How to Use Tenalog

How to use Tenalog 

To use Tenalog, ensure you are signed in to Ambiki and on the main dashboard:   
  1. On the left navigation, click on ‘Patients’.   
Link to 'Patients' in the left navigation.

 2. Select a patient by clicking on their name.   
Clicking on a patient's name to access their profile.

3. Towards the left side of the page, click on ‘Tenalog’.   
Link to 'Tenalog'.

4. Click on the button labelled ‘Add a session recording’. 
Adding a session recording.

5. To start, Ambiki will request you to record a short audio clip to distinguish you from your patients. When ready, click on the recording icon and read the sample text provided for you.  
First-time audio recording for speaker identification.

6. You can either upload a pre-recorded audio file or record a session directly from Ambiki. Choose whichever option you prefer by clicking on ‘Select’. 
The differnent ways to add audio to Tenalog.

7. After your session is transcribed, you can view the transcript, generate a visit note, create a parent summary, develop a session plan, and find relevant reference links.  
The different capabilities of Tenalog.