Functional Ability Scale (FAbS): AAC Comprehension

A seven-point rating scale ranging from the least functional (Level 1) to independent (Level 7) to describe a patient's abilities over the course of intervention.

Related Major Focus Areas

Scoring Rubric

7 - Independent Comprehension of AAC is functional for events in the environment in all situations.
6 - Minor Comprehension of AAC is effective for events in the environment in most situations, although slight difficulty may occur in ability to self-monitor. Cueing is seldom required. Self-monitoring is evident approximately 90% of the time.
5 - Mild Comprehension of AAC is good but limited by complexity of form, content, and/or use. Occasional cueing and/or assistance is required. Self-monitoring is evident approximately 75% of the time.
4 - Moderate Comprehension of AAC is limited to routine events, simple novel communication, and some more complex forms. Intermittent cueing in the form of repetition or rephrasing of stimuli, or redirection and assistance is required to comprehend. Self-monitoring is evident approximately 50% of the time.
3 - Severe Comprehension of AAC is limited to routine events in restricted contexts and does not include comprehension of novel communication. Consistent environmental cueing and assistance is required to comprehend. Self-monitoring is evident approximately 25% of the time.
2 - Major Limited comprehension of AAC relative to events in the environment. Always requires environmental cueing and maximum assistance to comprehend. No self-monitoring.
1 - Profund No comprehension of AAC.