Functional Ability Scale (FAbS): Language Comprehension

A seven-point rating scale ranging from the least functional (Level 1) to independent (Level 7) to describe a patient's abilities over the course of intervention.

Related Major Focus Areas

Scoring Rubric

7 - Independent Comprehension of language is appropriate for chronological age in all contexts.
6 - Minor Comprehends 80-90% of conversation in broad contexts. Minimal errors are noted in understanding of language structures and is a full conversational participant.
5 - Mild Comprehends 60-70% of sentences and conversations in familiar contexts. Is a good participant in conversations for a limited number of topics. Attention to conversation is appropriate, although reduced efficiency is evident (e.g., limited topics, needs repetition, requires increased processing time). Understands a variety of language structures consistent with chronological age.
4 - Moderate Comprehends approximately 50% of phrases and sentences in familiar contexts. Moderate efficiency as a conversational participant (e.g., one or two topics, increased processing time, requires rephrasing and redirection by the person communicating). Understands simple, novel utterances. Understands some language structures appropriate for chronological age.
3 - Severe Comprehends 30-40% of words and phrases in restricted contexts. Minimal efficiency as a conversational participant. Requires frequent redirection and cueing to comprehend. Understands some simple, novel utterances. Recognizes environmental sounds and understands some language structures consistent with chronological age.
2 - Major Comprehends 10-20% of single words. May require cueing to localize auditory/visual input and/or attend to the person communicating. Cannot participate in conversation.
1 - Profund No understanding of verbal language.