Functional Ability Scale (FAbS): Pragmatics

A seven-point rating scale ranging from the least functional (Level 1) to independent (Level 7) to describe a patient's abilities over the course of intervention.

Related Major Focus Areas

Scoring Rubric

7 - Independent Initiates and responds to communication in all settings.
6 - Minor Initiates and responds to communication in familiar and novel settings with a variety of communication partners. Uses general rules and subtle cues from the communication partner and environment approximately 90% of the time. Effective in most social situations, although the communication partner is still required to provide some assistance.
5 - Mild Initiates and responds to communication in both familiar and novel settings with a familiar communication partner. Uses general rules and subtle cues from the communication partner and environment approximately 75% of the time. Receives essential information in the communication exchange and uses some repair strategies as required.
4 - Moderate Initiates and responds to communication in highly structured settings with a familiar communication partner. Uses general rules of social communication with few errors, but is unaware of subtle cues from the communication partner or environment. Communication breakdown occurs approximately 50% of the time, requiring further clarification by the communication partner.
3 - Severe Initiates and/or responds to communication in routine events of daily living with a familiar communication partner. Inconsistent awareness/application of general rules of social communication but can engage in a few communication exchanges with communication partner. May use echolalia or stereotypical speech.
2 - Major Initiates and/or responds to communication approximately 25% of the time, even in familiar settings with a familiar communication partner. May complain or abandon topic and interaction if not immediately understood. Requires encouragement to maintain interaction. Maximum dependence on communication partner.
1 - Profund No attempt to initiate or respond to communication efforts.