7 - Independent |
Voice is normal in all situations and contexts.
6 - Minor |
Voice production is optimal approximately 90% of the time. Ability to self-monitor and self-correct is demonstrated. Individual’s communication interactions are only mildly affected.
5 - Mild |
Voice is optimal approximately 75% of the time with inconsistent ability to self-monitor and change. Voice continues to call attention to itself as being different.
4 - Moderate |
Voice is optimal for communication approximately 50% of the time. Cueing may be required. Voice calls attention to itself as different. The listener becomes distracted by the voice to the degree that there is interference with the message.
3 - Severe |
Voice is optimal for communication approximately 25% of the time. The voice is very distracting to the listener. Daily functioning is affected.
2 - Major |
Voice is optimal for communication less than 10% of the time. Much communication must be accomplished without voicing or by nonvocal means. Social functioning is significantly impaired. Compensatory behaviors are evident.
1 - Profund |
Voice is nonfunctional for communication.