7 - Independent |
Language production is appropriate for chronological age in all contexts.
6 - Minor |
Uses conversation to communicate a full range of needs and comments in broad contexts. Minimal errors are noted in language structures. Is a full conversational participant. Self-monitoring is evident approximately 90% of the time.
5 - Mild |
Produces sentences and conversation to communicate needs and make comments in familiar and novel contexts. Uses a variety of language structures consistent with chronological age. Complexity of language structures is reduced. Communication in conversation may require increased time, repetitions, and cueing, which restricts participation. Self-monitoring is evident approximately 75% of the time.
4 - Moderate |
Produces phrases and sentences to communicate needs or make comments in familiar contexts. Language structures are simple and routine. Uses some language structures appropriate for chronological age. Is a moderate conversational participant. Self-monitoring is evident approximately 50% of the time.
3 - Severe |
Produces 25-50% of functional utterances expected for chronological age. Utterances are deficient in semantic, syntactic, or morphologic features. Communicates basic needs in routine contexts. Self-monitoring is evident approximately 25% of the time.
2 - Major |
Limited verbal productions. Communication of basic needs is severely limited. No conversational participation. No self-monitoring.
1 - Profund |
No expressive language.