Evaluation assessment publishers for speech therapy, occupational therapy, physical therapy, and feeding therapy
12 publishers

Beckman Oral Motor
Debra Beckman has worked in the field of communicative disorders since 1975, specializing in motor speech disorders.

Forbes AAC
Forbes AAC is a leading provider of augmentative and alternative communication devices.

Gander Publishing
Proven solutions for improving reading, comprehension, and math. Instruction is explicit, systematic, and multisensory.

Janelle Publications
Since 1974 Janelle Publications has been providing creative speech and language therapy and learning materials for speech-language pathologists, special educators, classroom teachers, and parents.

PAR, Inc.
PAR is a leading publisher of psychological assessment products for use in mental health, school, hospital, and private practice settings.

Pearson Education
Pearson's educational and assessment tools, content, products, and services are designed to help learners at every stage open doors to new experiences.

Print Path OT
My mission is to provide fun and engaging methods for children to learn essential fine-motor and self-regulation skills needed for lifelong success. I build multi-sensory products for differentiate...

PRO-ED Inc. is a leading publisher of standardized tests, books, curricular resources, and therapy materials.

Super Duper Publications
Super Duper Publications makes fun, practical materials for speech language pathology (SLP), autism, articulation, auditory processing, vocabulary, speech therapy, learning disabilities, grammar, a...

The Communication Matrix Foundation
The Communication Matrix has created a free assessment tool to help families and professionals.

Tobii Dynavox LLC
DynaVox is a U.S.-based developer, manufacturer and distributor of speech generating devices headquartered in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.

WPS is a leading independent publisher of clinical assessments in the areas of autism, speech & language, school psychology, and occupational therapy.