Ambiki Release Note: Add New Patients From Patient Status Tabs

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Samuel Okoth avatar

Samuel Okoth over 1 year ago

Date: 09/20/2023

With this release, users can now add new patients from patient status tabs. When adding a new patient from a patient status tab, the patient's status will default to the status of the tab. This makes it easier to add patients to the correct status, especially when adding patients in bulk. For example, if you are on the Waitlisted tab and you click to add a new patient, the patient's status will default to Waitlisted. This means that you do not need to manually change the patient's status after you add them. Also if you are adding multiple patients in bulk from the Waitlisted tab, all of the patients will be added with the Waitlisted status.

**If you are adding a patient from the All tab, the patient's status will default to Active.

We believe that this update will improve your workflow and contribute to a smoother and error-free patient management process.

Thank you for choosing Ambiki. We look forward to serving you with even more improvements in the future.