Ambiki Release Note: Billing Updates, Improved Fax Clarity, and Export Features

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Samuel Okoth avatar

Samuel Okoth 4 months ago

Date: 11/22/2024

CMS 1500 Service Update for Patients Without Diagnosis Codes
We’ve resolved an issue that affected the CMS 1500 service for patients without diagnosis codes. This update ensures smooth processing of claims, even when diagnosis codes are not present for the patient.

Improved Clarity in Faxed PDFs
The date field at the top of faxed PDF documents now includes the title "Accessed on" to clarify its purpose.

Billing Capability for Professional Limited Plan Users
Users on the Professional Limited plan can now bill for the visit notes and evaluations they create. Billing is accessible directly from the Visit Notes and Evaluations Billing Modal, providing a seamless workflow.

Facility Service Entry Fix for Professional Limited Users
We’ve fixed an issue where Professional Limited plan users experienced errors when adding a "Billed To" or "Service" entry to a new facility service. This update ensures smoother service entry for these users.

Export Support Messages to Excel
You can now export support messages to Excel, making it easier to organize, analyze, and manage communication records.

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