Ambiki Release Note: Google Captcha Integration
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Samuel Okoth 9 months ago
Date: 05/01/2024
We're committed to enhancing the security and user experience on Ambiki. To further protect your data and ensure that our services are accessed by real users, we have integrated Google Captcha into our system. Here’s what this means for you:
- Improved Security Measures: Google Captcha helps prevent automated software (bots) from engaging in abusive activities on our site, providing an additional layer of security.
- Seamless User Verification: With Google Captcha, we can quickly verify that you are a real person without adding cumbersome steps to your login or signup process.
- Maintained User Experience: This system is designed to be easy for humans to solve while maintaining the effectiveness of security checks.
This update is part of our ongoing commitment to maintain a secure and user-friendly platform. Thank you for choosing Ambiki.