Ambiki Release Note: Introducing Click-To-Create Events On Weekly and Daily Admin Views

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Samuel Okoth avatar

Samuel Okoth over 1 year ago

Date: 08/16/2023

We're excited to announce a new feature that streamlines event creation on your weekly and daily admin views, making your scheduling experience even more efficient. With the latest update, you can now create events directly by clicking on the desired time slot in the weekly and daily admin layouts. This intuitive approach eliminates the need to manually click "Create Event" each time you want to schedule an event. Clicking on the schedule also automatically places the event at the precise time slot you selected, ensuring accurate scheduling without any guesswork.

We believe that this improvement will empower you to manage your time with greater accuracy and ease putting you in control of your time like never before.

Thank you for choosing Ambiki to simplify your scheduling. We look forward to empowering you with even more innovative features in the future.