Ambiki Release Note: Introducing Customizable Progress Report Settings
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Samuel Okoth over 1 year ago
Date: 09/08/2023
We are excited to announce an enhancement that puts you in control of progress report generation. With the introduction of customizable Progress Report Settings, organizations can now tailor the frequency of progress reports to meet their specific needs, offering greater flexibility and efficiency in managing patient care. Here are some key highlights of this release:
- Define Report Periods: Organizations now have the ability to define the reporting period for progress reports. Whether you prefer reports generated every 3 months, 4 months, or any other interval, these settings can be adjusted to align with your unique requirements.
- Customize Based on Visit Count: Some organizations prefer to create progress reports based on the number of visits a patient makes. With our platform, you can define how often progress reports are generated based on visit thresholds, such as every 10 visits or 15 visits.
- Organization Administrator Permissions: To ensure that these settings are managed responsibly, permission to create and modify Progress Report Settings is given to the organization admin. This ensures that customization aligns with the organization's goals and guidelines.
- Enhanced Patient Care Planning: Customizable settings empower organizations to tailor their patient care plans more precisely. Reports can be generated at intervals that make the most sense for tracking patient progress, enabling better-informed decisions and care delivery.
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