Ambiki Release Note: Introducing MSS Patient Categorization Labels

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Samuel Okoth avatar

Samuel Okoth 10 months ago

Date: 02/29/2024

We are excited to introduce a new feature that enhances the patient profile and streamlines the identification of patient characteristics through the implementation of the MSS (Model - Source - Setting) labeling system. This intuitive and flexible categorization tool provides a clear and concise overview of each patient's therapy service type, funding source, and service location, enabling a more efficient patient management experience.

Key Features:
  1. MSS Label Display:
    • A prominent MSS label will be displayed on the patient profile page, encapsulating the patient's Model (therapy service type), Source (funding order), and Setting (service location).
  2. Patient Index Page Integration:
    • The MSS label will also be integrated into the patient index page, providing a comprehensive overview of all patients and their respective classifications.

The MSS labeling system is designed to be flexible and adaptable, capable of handling variations such as multiple funding sources, changes in patient care models, or transitions in service locations. As patient circumstances evolve, the MSS label will be updated accordingly, ensuring accurate and up-to-date information is always available.

By incorporating the MSS labeling system into Ambiki, we aim to streamline the patient management process and provide a more efficient way to identify and categorize patients based on their shared characteristics. 

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