Ambiki Release Note: Introducing the Attendance Tab On Patient Profiles For Enhanced Attendance Tracking and Reporting
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Samuel Okoth over 1 year ago
Date: 09/05/2023
We are thrilled to announce an enhancement to Ambiki, designed to empower users in managing attendance data efficiently. With the all-new Attendance Tab on patient profiles, you can now access and track past attendance information effortlessly. This feature is tailored to meet your specific needs, including documentation, identifying cancellations, and generating insightful reports.
- If an organization owner wants to check a patient's attendance, they can filter and sort information to generate a detailed attendance report.
- When an organization owner creates an attendance report, they have the option to print it for sharing with other individuals or entities.
We hope you find the Attendance Tab a valuable addition to Ambiki. We look forward to bringing you more exciting updates.