Ambiki Release Note: Keep Tabs On Expiring Authorizations and Approaching Visit Limits

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Samuel Okoth avatar

Samuel Okoth about 1 year ago

Date: 02/29/2024

In this release, we are introducing a new card on the logged-in user dashboard. This card will display relevant information for patients who meet specific criteria, helping therapists stay informed and proactively manage their caseload.

The card will display patients who satisfy either of the following conditions:
  1. Patients on the therapist's caseload, OR patients who have received therapy from the therapist (indicated by a visit note with the therapist as the user) within the last 3 months. This ensures comprehensive coverage, including organizations not utilizing the caseload feature.
  1. Patients who have an authorization with an expiration date within the next month, OR patients who are within 10 visits of reaching the maximum visit limit set for their authorization.

By providing this consolidated view, therapists will be able to easily identify patients who may require immediate attention, such as renewing authorizations or adjusting treatment plans to comply with visit limits. This proactive approach aims to streamline the therapist's workflow, enhance patient care, and ensure compliance with authorization requirements.

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