Ambiki Release Note: Minor Release Improvements

Stay up to date on new features and improvements to Ambiki - Ambiki release notes is where the Ambitious Idea Labs team publicly communicates new functionality added to Ambiki so that our users can stay on top of everything that is new.

Samuel Okoth avatar

Samuel Okoth about 1 year ago

Date: 10/18/2023

We are pleased to announce a series of minor updates aimed at improving precision, accuracy, and user experience within Ambiki. These updates address issues related to completed evaluations, patient invoice payments, and the display of apostrophes in custom form titles:

  • Fix for Completed Evaluations in "Events Missing Documentation": We've resolved an issue where completed evaluations were inaccurately appearing in the "Events Missing Documentation" section. This fix ensures that only relevant events without completed evaluations will be displayed.
  • Fix for Error When Filtering by Patient on the Patient Invoice Payments Page: We've identified and fixed an error that some users encountered when trying to filter by patient on the patient invoice payments index page. 
  • Fix for Apostrophes in Custom Form Titles: A minor fix addresses the display of apostrophes in the titles of custom forms. Apostrophes will now appear correctly, ensuring that your custom forms are accurately labeled and presented.

Thank you for choosing Ambiki, and we hope these minor improvements contribute to a more user-friendly experience.