Ambiki Release Note: New Double Entry Accounting Ledger System Released

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Samuel Okoth avatar

Samuel Okoth 12 months ago

Date: 12/21/2023

We are excited to announce the release of a new and improved Accounting Ledger system. This ledger system introduces more robust double entry accounting to better track financial transactions:

  • Your Organization, Insurance Companies, and each Patient now have their own ledger recording the complex movement of funds related to payments and invoices.

  • Patient responsibility amounts from insurance payments automatically adjust the individual Patient's ledger.

  • Multi-payer insurance payments are tracked to accurately account for payment expectations and treatment payments.

  • All Patient invoices created after December 21st, 2023 will utilize the new ledger system.

This powerful new accounting system keeps careful record of all financial transactions, providing you with up-to-date and accurate accounting across your Organization, Insurance Companies, and Patient ledgers. Managing patient billing and payments is now easier than ever.

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