Ambiki Release Note: Organization Payroll Management and Data Export
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Samuel Okoth 11 months ago
Date: 02/29/2024
In this release, we have introduced new features, enabling users with appropriate permissions to efficiently view, edit, and export internal teammate data for all team members within their organization.
Show View:
- The new "Show" view presents a comprehensive table listing all teammates within the organization.
- Relevant internal fields, including Employee ID, Payroll ID, Date of Birth (DOB), Hire Date, Start Date, End Date, and Pay Type (per session, salary, hourly), are displayed for each team member.
- Users with the necessary permissions will see these additional columns in the "Existing Teammates" table, providing a centralized view of crucial payroll-related information.
- This view also includes options to export the displayed data to PDF or Excel formats, allowing for convenient sharing and analysis of teammate data.
Edit View:
- The new "Edit" view offers a single-page interface where authorized users can simultaneously edit the data of all teammates within their organization.
- Users can modify fields such as Employee ID, Payroll ID, DOB, Hire Date, Start Date, End Date, and Pay Type for multiple teammates at once, streamlining the process of updating payroll-related information.
- Upon saving changes on this page, the records across all teammates within the organization will be updated accordingly.
With these updates, organization users with the appropriate permissions can now efficiently manage payroll-related data for their team members, ensuring accurate and up-to-date information across the organization.
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