Ambiki Release Note: Patient Invoices Now Reflect 'Date of Service

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Samuel Okoth avatar

Samuel Okoth over 1 year ago

Date: 09/08/2023

We are excited to introduce an update to our patient invoicing system to provide greater clarity and efficiency. We have made a critical change to the way invoice dates are displayed. Invoices will now reflect the "Date of Service" instead of the date they were created. This update aligns with the preferences and needs of therapists, ensuring a more intuitive and accurate billing experience. Some benefits of this adjustment include:

  • With the new "Date of Service" display, it becomes significantly easier to search for and manage specific invoices, especially when dealing with a high volume of paperwork or catch-up billing. Therapists who process multiple invoices in a single day will find this particularly beneficial.
  • Therapists' work revolves around the "Date of Service," and this change ensures that the billing process seamlessly integrates with their professional practices. 
  • The adjustment also allows for better matching of payments to specific visits. If you are tracking payments and reconciling visits, you'll find it much more straightforward to determine which visits have been paid for and which ones require attention.

Thank you for choosing Ambiki, and we look forward to helping you achieve a more efficient and accurate billing process.