Ambiki Release Note: Site-Wide Updates to Breadcrumbs and Top Tabs
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Samuel Okoth over 1 year ago
Date: 09/18/2023
In this release, we're excited to introduce a number of site-wide changes that will make our website easier to use and navigate. These changes focus on improving the consistency and intuitiveness of the user interface (The way that a user interacts with a computer program or website also known as UI), including the breadcrumbs and top tabs.
Breadcrumbs are the trail of links or text at the top of a page that show you where you are on a website. For example, if you're on the product page for a pair of shoes, the breadcrumbs might look like this:
Home > Shoes > Men's Shoes > Running Shoes
The top tabs are the horizontal menu at the top of the page that gives you access to different sections of the website, such as Products, Services, and About.
The changes we've made to the breadcrumbs and top tabs will make it easier for you to find your way around the website and access the information you need quickly and easily. Thank you for choosing Ambiki. We look forward to bringing you more exciting updates.
Breadcrumbs are the trail of links or text at the top of a page that show you where you are on a website. For example, if you're on the product page for a pair of shoes, the breadcrumbs might look like this:
Home > Shoes > Men's Shoes > Running Shoes
The top tabs are the horizontal menu at the top of the page that gives you access to different sections of the website, such as Products, Services, and About.
The changes we've made to the breadcrumbs and top tabs will make it easier for you to find your way around the website and access the information you need quickly and easily. Thank you for choosing Ambiki. We look forward to bringing you more exciting updates.