Ambiki Release Note: Skilled Interventions Selection For Visit Notes
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Samuel Okoth 10 months ago
Date: 02/29/2024
We are pleased to introduce a new feature that enhances the documentation process for visit notes by allowing therapists to select and record the skilled interventions utilized during patient sessions.
Key Features:
Key Features:
Organizational Setting for Skilled Interventions:
- A new setting has been added under the "Visit Notes" section of organizational EMR settings, titled "Enable and require selection of skilled interventions."
- Administrators can enable or disable this feature based on their organization's preferences and requirements.
Skilled Interventions Selection:
- When composing a new visit note, therapists will see an accordion section labeled "Skilled Interventions."
- If the feature is enabled and the patient has an active Plan of Care (POC) with skilled interventions, therapists can select the interventions they utilized during the session.
- The list of available skilled interventions is populated from the patient's active POC.
Warning Alert for Inactive POCs:
- If the feature is enabled but the patient does not have an active POC or the active POC does not contain any skilled interventions, a bootstrap warning alert will be displayed, notifying the user of this situation.
Mandatory Selection for Enabled Organizations:
- For organizations with the "Enable and require selection of skilled interventions" setting enabled, therapists must select at least one skilled intervention from the patient's active POC to save the visit note successfully.
Prominent Display on Visit Note:
- The selected skilled interventions will be prominently displayed on the visit note's viewing page, similar to how skilled interventions are displayed on the POC.
Inclusion in Visit Note PDF:
- In addition to the viewing page, the selected skilled interventions will be included in the corresponding visit note PDF for easy reference and record-keeping.
By introducing this feature, therapists can now accurately capture and showcase the skilled interventions employed during patient sessions, facilitating better communication and continuity of care. Thank you for choosing Ambiki.