Ambiki Release Note: Streamlining Claim Management With Modifier Adjustments
Stay up to date on new features and improvements to Ambiki - Ambiki release notes is where the Ambitious Idea Labs team publicly communicates new functionality added to Ambiki so that our users can stay on top of everything that is new.
Samuel Okoth 10 months ago
Date: 02/29/2024
We are excited to introduce a new feature that allows authorized organization users to easily add or adjust claim modifiers while automatically handling various insurance rules and special cases. This enhancement streamlines the claim submission process, ensuring accurate billing and compliance with insurance guidelines, particularly for scenarios involving multiple daily treatments or specific therapies.
We believe this update will help organizations to confidently handle complex billing scenarios involving specific therapies or multiple daily treatments. Thank you for choosing Ambiki for all your billing needs.
We believe this update will help organizations to confidently handle complex billing scenarios involving specific therapies or multiple daily treatments. Thank you for choosing Ambiki for all your billing needs.