Ambiki Release Note: UI/UX Improvements For Faxing Directory

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Samuel Okoth avatar

Samuel Okoth 2 months ago

Date: 06/19/2024

We have made the following UI/UX Improvements to the Faxing Directory:

  • "Faxed documents" has been renamed to "Uploaded PDFs for faxing".

  • Added additional search filters for incoming faxes, outgoing faxes, and uploaded PDFs for faxing.

  • Introduced status badges with tooltips for partial success or failures, displaying error messages when available.

  • Added a tooltip explanation for the "Complete" column on the incoming faxes record center..

  • Included patient status and treatability in the view and filters..

  • Renamed "therapist" to "teammate" to better reflect the typical users managing and sending faxes.

  • Improved phone number lookup to better match with the organization, practice, or other entities in your address book.

  • Added "linked resource" and "Related outgoing fax" columns to the incoming faxes record center.

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