Ambiki Release Note: Write-Off Tracking, User Mentions, Duplicate Patient Check, and Guardian Deletion
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Samuel Okoth 28 days ago
Date: 02/05/2025
Write-Off Functionality & Total Calculations
Write-offs now correctly appear in patient invoices, superbills, and treatment reports, ensuring all financial summaries accurately reflect any amounts written off.
Write-offs now correctly appear in patient invoices, superbills, and treatment reports, ensuring all financial summaries accurately reflect any amounts written off.
User Mentions in Messages
We’ve added the ability to mention other users in messages and comments. Type an “@” followed by a username to notify and tag that user, making collaboration and communication more efficient.
We’ve added the ability to mention other users in messages and comments. Type an “@” followed by a username to notify and tag that user, making collaboration and communication more efficient.
Updated Duplicate Patient Check
The potential duplicate patient check has been refined to exclude deleted records, reducing false positives and helping maintain accurate patient lists.
The potential duplicate patient check has been refined to exclude deleted records, reducing false positives and helping maintain accurate patient lists.
Legal Guardians Deletion by Admins
Authorized Organization Admins can now delete Legal Guardians from their organization, giving admins more control over managing contact and guardian records.
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Authorized Organization Admins can now delete Legal Guardians from their organization, giving admins more control over managing contact and guardian records.
Thank you for choosing Ambiki.