Handwriting With Joke Concepts

April Fools Day. Use these handwriting worksheets to practice letter formation. This will also help test expressive and receptive language skills as each of the terms are synonyms for jokes or joking.
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Resource details

April Fools Day. Use these handwriting worksheets to practice letter formation. This will also help test expressive and receptive language skills as each of the terms are synonyms for jokes or joking.
Focus areas
- OT -> Bilateral Coordination -> Dominant Hand / Non-dominant Hand
- OT -> Executive Function -> Attention
- OT -> Fine Motor Skills -> Drawing
- OT -> Fine Motor Skills -> Pre-writing / Copying / Drawing
- OT -> Fine Motor Skills -> Writing
- OT -> Handwriting -> Letter Formation
- OT -> Handwriting -> Pencil Grasp
- OT -> Sensory -> Tactile
3 more focus areas. Click arrow to view all.
Evidence based practice citations
Receptive Language Vs. Expressive Language
Author(s): NAPA Center -
Receptive Language (understanding Words and Language)
Author(s): Kid Sense Child Development
Grade levels
Grades 1 - 3
Weekly Themes
Daily Themes
Activity Lists
- (Mixed list) What belongs in this group? Jokes
- (Mixed list) Compare and contrast: Jokes, fun, and funny things
- (Mixed list) Wh- questions: Jokes
- (Word list) Jokes/April Fool’s Day Multisyllabic Words
- (Phrase list) Jokes/April Fool’s Day Multisyllabic Phrases
- (Sentence list) Jokes/April Fool’s Day Multisyllabic Sentences
- (Paragraph list) Jokes/April Fool’s Day Multisyllabic Paragraphs
- (Mixed list) Knock, Knock Jokes for Jokesters
- (Word list) Joke Synonyms: Vocabulary
- (Word list) A collection of April Fools Day words with /r/-blends
- (Word list) April Fools Day final consonant deletion practice words
- (Word list) April Fools Day gliding words
- (Word list) April Fools Day /l/-blend words
- (Word list) April Fools Day /l/ words – initial position
- (Word list) April Fools Day /r/ words – initial position
- (Word list) April Fool's Day /s/-blends
- (Mixed list) Figurative Language: Jokes - a shaggy dog story
- (Mixed list) Figurative Language: Jokes
Resource slides
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