Create a Caseload

Create a Caseload image
Last updated: February 08, 2024

How to create a Caseload

Ensure you are signed in to Ambiki and on the main dashboard. A caseload is where administrators can add clients to therapist's schedules. 

  • Click on ‘Caseloads’ on the left navigation bar. 
  • Select ‘Add new caseload’ on the top right.

    Adding a new caseload.

  • Add your caseload Name and Therapist. Please note that the name and therapist field cannot be left blank. 

  • ‘Select patients’ in your organization:
    • Filter patients by district, school, or discipline.

    • View all patients, view patients not currently assigned to a caseload, or view only selected patients. 

    • Search for patients by typing in their name. 

  • ‘Check the box’ on the left side of each patient to ‘add’ them to a Caseload. 
  • ‘Uncheck the box’ on the left side of each patient to ‘remove’ them from a Caseload. 
  • ‘Save caseload’ at the bottom right. 

Saving a new caseload.