Creating Activity Lists

Creating Activity Lists image
To create an activity list visit or select the green 'create new +' button on the right side of the screen. Then select activity lists. Once on the activity list page, select ‘create new activity list.’

An activity list requires a title. Try to be as descriptive as you can in the title such that you or others can easily search for and find your activity list.

The description is optional but highly recommended. This should give the user more info about the content of the activity list or recommendations for potential strategies or techniques for using the list in a therapy session.

Next, you need to enter the items for your activity list. Each distinct item (phoneme, word, minimal pair, phrase, sentence, or conversation prompt) should be on a new line.

Select Focus Area Tags then rank selection. Adding a theme and resource is optional but is beneficial for others to search and find your activity list. Be sure to select a resource if the activity list is paired with that resource.

By default, an activity list you create will be private. If you would like to submit your activity list to the public activity list bank you can click the box ‘Submit to make public?’ Select 'save activity list' to create your activity list. 

After your activity list has been created you can still edit it. To edit an activity list click the gray 'Edit' button in the top right of that activity list's page.