How Do I Set My Preferred Visit Note Type
Published: January 22, 2023
Last updated: February 19, 2024
How do I set my preferred visit note type
Ambiki allows users to customize their default visit note type, while also offering the flexibility to change it when creating a new visit note. Currently, there are 3 visit note type options: "Free text", "SOAP (Subjective Objective Assessment Plan)", and "DAP (Data Assessment Plan )"
To change the default visit note type, ensure you are logged in to Ambiki and on the main dashboard:
- On the top right-hand corner, click on your profile image and select ‘User settings’.
2. Click on ‘Visit note settings’.
3. Click on the drop-down labelled ‘Preferred visit note type’ and choose between "Free text", "SOAP (Subjective Objective Assessment Plan)", and "DAP (Data Assessment Plan)".
4. Click on the button labelled ‘Update’ to save your settings.
5. Ambiki also allows you to set your preferred visit note type when creating a new visit note. Simply click on the drop-down button labelled ‘Change note type’ in the top right corner and select a visit note type.
Kevin Dias