The timer feature is available in Ambiki teletherapy by selecting the ‘timer’ icon. Timer icon.png23.3 KB
Once the timer icon has been selected, therapists can select the desired length of time in minutes and/or seconds by selecting the plus or minus buttons. Therapist can choose to ‘play sound’ on the timer or ‘show to participants’ by selecting the button on the menu. Once the length of time, option to play sound, and show to participants is decided, select start. Therapists can select ‘cancel’ if they choose to not start the timer.
Star a TImer.png44.3 KB Once the 'timer' icon has been selected and started, therapist have the option to pause the timer, turn on/off the sound, and show/hide the timer to participants by selecting on the timer menu bar at the top of the Ambiki Teletherapy screen. Patients will only see the countdown at the top of their screen.
If the play sound button was selected and once the timer countdown is complete, a whistle sound will be played.
Easily restart the same timer by selecting the 'play' button on the timer bar at the top of the screen.
The timer bar at the top of the screen will remain visible on the therapist and patient screen until the 'timer icon' is unselected on the right hand menu.
The timer feature can be used for various functions such as keeping a student on task, keeping time in a game, and in conjunction with visual schedules.
Janette Hreish
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