Ambiki's teletherapy platform lets you use your resources saved on your Ambiki account or public resources created by other clinicians right inside the teletherapy platform - no need for switching screens. Simply select the icon that says 'PDF' to open up the resource library. You will see the resource library pop up inside of the session, where you can select the resource you would like to present. Therapy participants can then use the click beacon and the drawing tool to interact with the resources. The resource will need to be unlocked before participants can interact with it.
Teletherapy Toolbar
Resource Library in teletherapy
How do I unlock the resource so that participants can use drawing and click beacon mode to interact with the resource? When the resource is first opened, the drawing and click beacon mode is automatically locked - the therapist will need to unlock it before the participants can interact with the resource. Locate the toggle at the upper right-hand corner of the resource and click on the click beacon image to unlock it. The resource will always be set in click beacon mode to start. You will know that the click beacon/drawing mode is unlocked when you no longer see the red X crossing out the icon. See images below for reference. Having trouble locating the button for the click beacon/drawing mode? Visit this FAQ for more information: Ambiki Help - How Do I Find the Click Beacon/Drawing Mode Button On Resources?
Click beacon turned off
Click beacon turned on
How do I change the mode from click beacon mode to drawing mode? Select the drop down arrow next to the click beacon picture. Then select drawing mode. See picture below. You will need to unlock drawing mode before participants can draw on the resource.
Click Beacon/Drawing mode drop down
Drawing mode turned off
Drawing mode turned on
Your patients will then be able to use the paintbrush and stamps to interact with the resource.
Drawing on the resource
Stamps on the resource
Can I select other resources if I no longer want to use this resource? Yes, you can close this resource and share a new one. If you click the resource icon again (the PDF icon), you will be able to pull the resource library back up and select another resource.
How do I close the resource when I am done sharing it? When you are done using your resource, click the resource icon again, and then select 'stop' and 'confirm'.
Can I share a resource that has multiple pages? Yes, you can share a resource that has multiple pages. At the top right of the resource, you will see the page number next to the click beacon/painting toggle. Use the + and -symbols to scroll through your resource. You do not need to update it each time for participants - as you scroll through the resource they will see the page you are viewing. Any drawing or stamping you did on previous pages will remain on the page until you clear the resource.
How do I clear/erase the drawing or stamps on the resource? At the top left corner of the resource, you will see a button that looks like an easel. If you hover your mouse over it, it will say 'clear resource canvas'. Click this button, and then hit 'confirm'.
Can I open multiple resources? Unfortunately you can only open one resource at a time.
Bailey Morgan
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