How to Add or Edit a Patient Status

Last updated: September 03, 2024

How to add or edit a patient status 

To add or edit a patient status for a patient, ensure you are signed in to Ambiki and on the main dashboard:  
  1. On the left navigation, click on ‘Patients’. 
Selecting 'Patients' from the left navigation.

2. Choose the patient that you’d like to add/edit a patient status for by clicking on their name
Clicking on a patient's name.

3. Click on ‘Actions’ in the top right-hand corner and select ‘Edit’. 
Selecting 'Edit' under 'Actions'.

4. Under ‘General info’, click on the dropdown labeled ‘Status’ to set the patient status. 
Setting the patient status.

5. Click on the ‘Save patient’ button to save your changes. 
Saving the patient status to the patient.

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