How to Merge Duplicate Patients

Last updated: August 23, 2024

How to merge duplicate patients 

To merge duplicate patients, ensure you are signed into Ambiki and on the main dashboard: 
  1. Click on the Organization admin icon on the top right-hand side and select ‘Tools’. 

Selecting Tools under the Organization admin icon.

2. Click on ‘Go’ under Merge duplicate patients
Clicking on Go under Merge duplicate patients.

3. Ambiki performs a daily check for duplicate patients who share either of the following sets of information: Patients with the same first name, last name, and date of birth, or patients with the same alternate first name, alternate last name, and date of birth. 

4. You will find a list of potential duplicate patients in your organization. Choose any duplicate patients and click on ‘view’ to get more information. 
Selecting a patient by clicking on View.

5. Choose one of the two duplicate patients that you would like to keep by clicking on the corresponding radio button. Finally click on the ‘Merge duplicates’ button to merge the two patients. 
Choosing the duplicate patient and merging duplicates.
6. If for some reason the potential duplicates are in fact two different patients, click on Actions on the top right-hand side and select ‘Ignore’. 
Selecting Ignore under Actions.