My Video (or My Patient's Video) is Blurry / Buffers / Cuts Out - What Should I Do?
Published: April 01, 2022
Last updated: March 22, 2023
If the video is blurry, buffers, or cuts out during a session, it is possible you or your patient have a slow connection.
- During your session time try to remove any unused devices from your network (phones, tablets, etc.) to make sure all your bandwidth is only being used by you to perform the teletherapy session.
- Make sure no large downloads / streaming / etc. are happening while the session is occurring. I would advise the same thing to your patient.
- Click off and on the ‘video’ icon.
When the video still is not working:
- Refresh the session webpage, have the client refresh the webpage, wait at least 10 seconds.
- Uncover the microphone and camera (especially on mobile, the patient's hand may be covering the microphone of the mobile device).
- Try opening the link in a different web browser (Chrome tends to work the best).
- Reboot the machine.
- Exit and reopen link to session, have the client do the same.
- Switch devices, from phone to tablet to laptop.
- Update your browser to the most recent version.

Kim Luster