I received a notification that says '1 visitor need you to select their name from 'Select patient'. What does this mean?
Confirmation emails are sent out to participants when the session is created, and reminders are sent out 60 minutes before the scheduled start time. When a patient confirms their appointment, the system recognizes that the device they have confirmed on is associated with that patient. If a patient confirms their appointment on a different device (or doesn't confirm at all), the system will not recognize that this is your patient trying to enter, and you will need to add them to your session.
Therapist notification '1 visitor need you to select their name from Select patient'
What does the patient see from their end when this happens?
The patients will be brought to an identification page and asked to type or record their name so that you can identify them as a patient and add them to the session.
Patient's screen view to identify themselves by typing or recording their name.
How do I add them to the session?
After clicking on 'Minimize the session' button, you will be directed to your Teletherapy Front Desk to identify the patient by either (1) chatting or (2) hearing a recorded name from the patient:
1. 'Visitors needing assistance' box on the right side of your Teletherapy Front Desk screen with a green message 'Please chat. I need help'. Click on 'chat' to identify the patient by chatting.
To identify the patient by chat.
2. 'Visitors needing assistance' box on the right side of your Teletherapy Front Desk screen with a message 'Unknown Patient' with a 'red play' tab. Click on the 'red play' tab to identify the patient by hearing their recorded name.
To identify the patient by hearing their recorded name.
After confirming identification of your patient. Click 'Edit', add your patient's name and click 'confirm'.
Assign the patient to one that is scheduled for the treatment session
Below is the therapist view of confirmation that the patient has now been added to the session. Make sure to click on the 'Return' button to return to the teletherapy session.
Therapist view of confirmation that the patient has now been added to the session.
Bailey Morgan
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