What is Special About Visit Notes?

What is Special About Visit Notes? image

What is special about Visit Notes? 

Visit Notes is a powerful tool that streamlines your note-taking process and helps you provide better care to your patients. With a wide range of features designed to simplify your workflow and improve documentation, Visit Notes is the perfect solution for busy therapists 
Some of the key features of Visit Notes include: 
  • Visit Notes automatically saves your progress, so you don't have to worry about losing your work.  While creating your visit note, you can access the autosave menu by clicking on the autosave menu options on the top right-hand corner. 
Accessing the autosave menu.

  • You can easily switch between note types to fit your specific needs, whether it's a Free Text note (Standard), a Subjective Objective Assessment Plan note (SOAP) or Data Assessment Plan note (DAP). To select your note type, click on ‘Change note type’ on the top right-hand corner.  
Changing the Note type.

  • You can start a note based on a template of the most recent note to save your time. To access a prior note, click on the dropdown menu below ‘Load a prior note’ and select the note. 
Loading a prior note.

  • You can view the current plan of care for your patient in order to access important information during your visit. To access this, click on ‘Current plan of care (POC)’. 
Viewing the current Plan of Care.

  • You can choose to automatically generate a parent-friendly summary of your visit note. This changes your note from objective data to a parent friendly narrative that is easy to understand. To enable this feature, click on the checkbox labeled ‘Automatically generate a parent-friendly summary of the session?’. 
Automatically generating a parent-friendly summary of the session.