Ambiki's Emergency Brake was created to give therapists complete control over their sessions, and an easy way to regain control if things go array.
What does the Emergency Brake do? The Emergency Brake gives the therapist the control to quick shut off a therapy participants audio and video if needed.
How Do I Use The Emergency Brake? The Emergency Brake can be located by hovering your mouse over your patient's video. A red icon will appear in the bottom right hand corner of the video. This is Emergency Brake. If you click on it, the patient's video and audio will be immediately cut from the session.
Emergency Brake
What Happens After The Emergency Brake is Selected? The therapist always maintains control over the participants audio and video, so the therapist can easily turn the video or audio back on when the therapist feels it is appropriate by hovering over the patient's avatar/picture and selecting the video/audio toggle buttons.
What Does The Patient See When They Are Emergency Braked? The patient will still see and hear the therapist, as well as other participants in the session (if they have their video enabled). Everyone else will not be able to see or hear the patient that has been emergency braked.
Can you Emergency Brake Someone Multiple Times Over The Session? There is no limit to how many times the Emergency Brake can be used during a session
Will Other Participants Know That Someone Has Been Emergency Braked? Other participants wont know the patient has been emergency braked, however they will see that their audio and video has been cut off.