Physical Therapy -> Gross Motor Skills
Gross Motor Skills
These are skills that typically developing kids should reach along a certain timeline as part of a child's motor learning. By the time they reach two years of age, almost all children are able to stand up, walk and run, walk up stairs, etc.
Minor focus areas
Skilled interventions
Functional Mobility Training
This training helps children develop the skills necessary for independence in daily tasks. Activities may include:
• Stair Climbing: Practicing ascending and descending stairs safely.
• Transfers: Moving from one position to another, such as sitting to standing.
• Adaptive Equipment Use: Learning to use tools that aid mobility. -
Gross Motor Activities
Gross Motor Activities focus on improving the strength, coordination, and endurance of large muscle groups. These activities are essential for developing the skills necessary for walking, running, jumping, and other physical activities.
Therapeutic activities typically include:
• Running and Jumping Drills: Exercises that enhance cardiovascular fitness and leg strength.
• Climbing and Crawling Tasks: Activities that improve upper body strength and coordination.
• Sports and Games: Engaging in team sports or individual games to promote physical activity and social interaction. -
Play Based Thearpy
This approach makes therapy enjoyable and motivating, encouraging participation and effort. Examples include:
• Obstacle Courses: Combining fun and physical challenges.
• Interactive Games: Engaging in activities that require movement and coordination.
• Creative Play: Using imagination to guide physical activities.
Reference links
Joint Guidelines For Therapy Co-Treatment Under Medicare 1
Author: The American Occupational Therapy Association (AOTA) The American Physical Therapy Association (APTA) The American Speech-Language-Hearing Association (ASHA) - Co-treatment may be appropriate when practitioners from different professional disciplines can effectively address their treatment goals while the patient is engaged in a single therapy session. For example, a patient may address cognitive goals for sequencing as part of a speech-language pathology (SLP) treatment session while the physical therapist (PT) is training the patient to use a wheelchair. Or a patient may address ADL goals for increasing independence as part of an occupational therapy (OT) treatment session while the PT addresses balance retraining with the patient to increase independence with mobility. Co-treatment is appropriate when coordination between the two disciplines will benefit the patient, not simply for scheduling convenience. Documentation should clearly indicate the rationale for co-treatment and state the goals that will be addressed through this method of intervention. Co-treatment sessions should be documented as such by each practitioner, stating which goals were addressed and the progress made. Co-treatment should be limited to two disciplines providing interventions during one treatment session. -
Your Child’s Early Development is a Journey 1
Author: Centers For Disease Control and Prevention - Skills such as taking the first step, smiling for the first time, and waving “bye-bye” are called developmental milestones. Children reach milestones in how they play, learn, speak, act, and move. Click on the age of your child to see the milestones:
Activity List(s)
- Going on a hike 2
- How do I fly like an airplane? 2
- List of Monsters: One word 7
- How do I walk like I am on a tightrope? 2
- 3 exercises with repetitions, to work on upper extremity (arms) strength - easy to understand for 9 years old 1
- What dance moves should I do at a dance party with a partner? 2
- Movement Break! 2
- Teaching Kiki’s Physical Therapy Activities about Jokes - Wisecrack 0
- What dance moves should I do at a party by myself? 2
- Kiki’s Spring Physical Therapy Activities - Flowers 0
- Kiki’s Spring Physical Therapy Activities - Strawberry 0
- Quick Brain Break! 1
- Teaching Kiki’s Spring Physical Therapy Activities - Strawberry 0
- Teaching Kiki’s Spring Physical Therapy Activities - Flowers 0
- My Morning Routine: Directions for Movements 2
- Two-step directions involving body movements 3
- Spring Animal Exercises 0
- My Afternoon and Reading Routine: Directions for movements 2
- How do I do a jumping jack? 2
- Move as the Rainbow Scavenger Hunt 1
Bruininks-Oseretsky Test of Motor Proficiency - Second Edition 0
The Bruininks-Oseretsky Test of Motor Proficiency Second Edition (BOT™-2) delivers the most precise and comprehensive measure of motor skills, both gross and fine.
Goal Bank
- Given close supervision and assistance, Valeria will increase gross motor skills by mastering therapy-related objectives to increase participation and independence in a school environment as measured by therapist/teacher observation and documentation during a 5 week therapy period. 2
Therapists who selected this major focus area as their top area of expertise.
Cheyenne Allen
Full-time Therapist Operations PTI work as a pediatric physical therapist. While I have experience in pediatric outpatient and sch...