Speech Therapy -> Articulation
Articulation, or sound production, exercises involve having the therapist model correct sounds and syllables in words and sentences for a child, often during play activities. Most professionals characterize a child with an articulation disorder as someone who has difficulty producing a few phonemes and the child’s errors may be linked to oral motor weakness and/or normal development.
Minor focus areas
Skilled interventions
Articulation Therapy
This therapy involves practicing specific speech sounds to enhance clarity and intelligibility. Activities may include repetition of sounds in isolation, syllables, words, and sentences, using visual and auditory cues to guide correct pronunciation.
Facilitative Phonetic Contexts
When working to elicit a target sound, the other sounds within a word are carefully chosen to help facilitate accurate production of the target sound (Bleile, 2006). For example, when targeting /k/, the word "key" might be selected because of the articulatory placement of the articulators is similar for the vowel /i/ as it is for the target sound /k/ (i.e., high and back in the mouth).
Integral Stimulation Approach: Dynamic Temporal and Tactile Cueing (DTTC)
Integral stimulation and DTTC; targets can be practiced at the syllable, word, phrase, or sentence level. The patient may be moved up and down the treatment hierarchy depending on the amount of support needed and the level of success achieved.
Method: Multimodal cueing techniques are used in a hierarchical fashion and include auditory, visual, and tactile cues into the practice of speech production. These cues can be used together to provided maximal cueing and can be reduced when less support is needed. Studies have shown integral stimulation therapy is an effective treatment for remediating speech errors in patients with CAS, while noting that more and larger studies are needed to confirm the benefits of the treatment for a wider group of children (Rosenbeck, et al., 1973; Stand & Debertine, 2000; Stand, et al., 2006).
Multiple Phoneme Approach (MPA)
Multiple Phoneme Approach (MPA) is a behaviorally oriented treatment method in which the SLP address all articulation errors in each session. MPA is appropriate for patients making six or more errors and focuses on sound production in conversational speech. MPA does not emphasize auditory discrimination training and consists of 3 phases.
1) Establishment: goal is production of consonants in response to a printed letter and a holding procedure (designed to make and maintain correct production of sounds produced in isolation).
2) 5 transfer steps: (a) syllables (b) words (c) phrases (d) reading/storytelling (e) conversation.
3) Generalization: 90% whole-word accuracy in conversation in different speaking situations without treatment or external monitoring.(McCabe & Bradley, 1975)
Prompts for Restructuring Oral Muscular Phonetic Targets (PROMPT)
PROMPT is a motor-based speech program that requires a specific training course and certification. The SLP uses a well-developed system of tactile cues to facilitate appropriate placement of the articulators (lips, tongue, etc.), oral pressure, and movement during single sound and whole word production (Hayden, 2005).
Semantically Potent Word Approach
Semantically potent word Approach is a multiphonemic approach in which the SLP teaches articulation through words that have inherent meaning to a patient's life experiences. Semantically Potent word Approach is a multiphonemic approach where training words are chosen because of their semantic potency for a given patient. All misarticulated phonemes in each word are taught. By teaching the whole word accuracy, the patient is enabled to use the word as a functional communicative unit.
Method: After a list of core training words are created you select 5 words to begin remediation and a pictorial representation is made for each then you proceed with the stages:
1. Imitative Word Training
2. Non-Imitative Word Training
3. Sentence Imitation
4. Re-tell Story(Hillard & Goepfert, 1979)
Sensory Motor Approach
Sensory motor approach is a procedure used by the SLP that targets the syllable, not the isolated phoneme, and treats it as the basic unit of speech production holding the principles of coarticulation as important. Sensory-Motor approach holds that phonetic environment is very important in treatment and that training should begin at the syllable level.
The McDonald's Deep Test of Articulation can help you find phonetic contexts where misarticulated sounds can be produced correctly. Example: /s/ distortion can produce /s/ correctly in watch-sun.
1) Heighten the patient's response to connected motor productions by beginning with non-error sounds in a variety of bi- and tri-syllabic contexts (in nonsense syllables) with differing stress patterns.
2) Train correct production of misarticulated sounds; find a context in which the sound is produced correctly (watch-sun) and have the patient produce it in various syllable stress/phrase/sentence patterns
3) Vary the phonetic contexts and have the patient practice correct production of the targets in different contexts. (watch-sit, watch-saw)
4) Generalize by facilitating transfer to other phonetic context and then to natural communication activities(McDonald, 1964; Pena-Brooks & Hedge, 2007)
Successive Approximation
Successive approximation is a strategy used to shape new sounds from sounds or articulatory postures in the child's existing sound inventory. This approach builds from the placement of an existing sound that is similar to the target sound. Analysis of the existing inventory and the potential targets may reveal phonemes that share common production features. The existing sound serves as the starting point. Through successive modification or adjustments in either the position or movement of the articulators or the manner of production, each step results in a closer approximation of the target sound. For example, the phoneme /t/ may be used to facilitate the correct production of /s/ (Secord et al., 2007). The alveolar place of articulation is similar for both sounds. When the client is instructed to release the /t/ with a strong burst of air, while slowly retracting the tongue lightly from the alveolar ridge, the resulting sound can be prolonged and will approximate a /s/ sound.
Tactile Cueing Techniques
Tactile cues help a child feel how to produce a target sound or word. Tactile cues may include clapping or jumping to help the child hear and include syllables in multisyllabic words, pairing a sound with a movement (e.g., say "ball" while child throws a ball), having child use hand signals while producing the sound, offering touch cues to a child's face, mouth, or neck to help them achieve correct placement, and many more. A child will often need more cues when initially learning a sound. The therapist will work to decrease the amount of cues provided in order to help a child get closer to independence.
Traditional Articulation Approach
Traditional articulation approach teaches sound production in isolation, syllables, words, and sentences; training includes three levels.
1) Perceptual/Ear Training: SLP demonstrate how target sound is produced, ask patient to identify the sound in isolation among sounds that are similar and sounds that are different, ask patient to identify the position of the sound in words, bombard the patient with productions of target sound, and have patient judge correct and incorrect productions.
2) Production Training:
(a) Sound Establishment; patient imitates your correct production (isolation, syllables, words) vary the phonetic contexts.
(b) Stabilization; continue training sound in isolation to encourage more consistent productions, ask patient to respond to printed letters/pictures that represent the sound, produce sounds in nonsense syllables or clusters, train sounds in words moving from simple to more complex words, train phrases if necessary, move to sentences, train conversational level.3)Transfer (Carry-over): initiate carry-over activities when patient can produce the sounds correctly in unstructured conversational speech, give specific assignments to patient to complete at home, teach self-monitoring, and create varied speaking situations for the patient to target sounds.
VanRiper & Emerick, 1984; Pena-Brooks, 1972; Pena-Brooks & Hedge, 2007, Costello & Onstein, 1976
Verbal Cueing Techniques
Verbal cues are the various ways of telling a child how to produce a target sound or word. Verbal cues can include direct models of the word, explaining how and where to move the articulators, bringing attention to a communication breakdown (e.g., Did you mean bite or bike?), exaggerating the prosody of the word by elongating the vowels and sounding more melodic, practicing the word together, saying only the first sound of the word to get the child started, pausing and building anticipation before the last word in a verbal routine, referring to certain sounds by unique names (e.g., "coughing" sound), and many more. A child will often need more cues when initially learning a sound. The therapist will work to decrease the amount of cues provided in order to help a child get closer to independence.
Visual Cueing Techniques
Visual cues help a child see how to produce a target sound or word. Visual cues may include pointing to your mouth as you produce the target sound or word, exaggerating a sound or word, miming the word, pairing a gesture or body movement with a sound, showing pictures associated with sounds and words (e.g., sound-referenced rebus), showing pictures of the positioning of the articulators, having a child watch themselves in a mirror, and many more. A child will often need more cues when initially learning a sound. The therapist will work to decrease the amount of cues provided in order to help a child get closer to independence.
Reference links
Evaluation of Bilingual Children- Considerations 1
Author: Alejandro E. Brice and Roanne G. Brice - An overview of considerations when evaluating bilingual (Spanish/English) children
leader.pubs.asha.org -
Language Difference vs Language Disorder: Assessing English Learners 1
Author: Carol Westby and Kimberly Murphy - Video available Language Difference vs Language Disorder: Assessing English Learners Carol Westby, Bilingual and Multicultural Services, Albuquerque, NM Kimberly Murphy (Host), Old Dominion UniversityFollow Document Type Presentation Publication Date 5-20-2020 Abstract To a large extent, determining whether an English learner has a language/learning disability is a process of elimination. There are no tests that can definitely tell us whether the student has a language/learning disability. Inappropriately identifying an EL student as having a language/learning disability can result in stigmatization or reduced access to academic content, but waiting too long to identify a student who truly has a language/learning disability can be the beginning or the extension of a cycle of communicative, academic, and/or social failure. Assessment of EL learners requires collaboration between classroom teachers and speech/language pathologists. This session will cover (1) factors that complicate the assessment of English learners; (2) multi-tiered systems of support (MTSS) and performance-based assessment; (3) process assessments, and (4) dynamic narrative assessment. Comments This professional development webinar was presented by Dr. Carol Westby for speech-language pathologists in Virginia. It was funded by the Virginia Department of Education and hosted by Dr. Kimberly Murphy, Old Dominion University.
digitalcommons.odu.edu -
Difference Between Articulation and Phonological Disorders 0
Author: University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire - The American Speech-Language-Hearing Association (2008) provides the following definitions.
www.uwec.edu -
Articulation and Intelligibility Norms For Spanish and English 1
Author: Bilinguistics - Articulation and Intelligibility Norms for Spanish and English by Bilinguistics
bilinguistics.com -
The Effect of Dose Frequency On Treatment Efficacy For Children With Speech Sound Disorders 1
Author: Kristen Marie Giesbrecht - Speech-language pathologists (SLPs) are urged to make evidence-based treatment decisions, but it is challenging to determine the appropriate intervention intensity for children with speech sound disorders (SSD) due to limited published information. This study is a single subject, multiple baseline design that compares the phonological changes of four preschool children (4;0 to 4;9) who received therapy either twice a week or four times a week for a total of twenty, 50-minute sessions.
commons.und.edu -
Multilingual, Multicultural, Bilingual Resource Link For SLPs 1
Author: ASHA - Link includes ASHA resources and information related to evaluation and treatment of clients from linguistically and culturally diverse backgrounds. Link includes ASHA resources to: Accent Modification Bilingual Service Delivery Collaborating With Interpreters, Transliterators, and Translators Cultural Competence Voice and Communication Services for Transgender and Gender Diverse Populations Dynamic Assessment Micro Course Cultural Competence Self Assessment Phonemic Inventories and Cultural and Linguistic Information Across Languages Collaboration With Interpreters: Securing Positive Outcomes Practical Assessment and Treatment Strategies for English Language Learners with Language Impairments Serving Clients From Diverse Backgrounds: Speech-Language Difference vs. Disorder Langu Continuing the Dialogue on Dialect: Positive Steps Toward Less Biased Assessments of Children Who Speak African American Englishage and Identity--Shifting Away from a Deficit Perspective on African American English Información en español
www.asha.org -
How Do Phonological Processes Differ Between Spanish and English? 1
Author: Scott Prath - Description of how do Phonological Processes differ Between Spanish and English.
leader.pubs.asha.org -
Learning Two Languages: Bilingualism 1
Author: ASHA - Information and resources for SLPs and parents of bilingual children
www.asha.org -
Speech Sound Disorders: Articulation and Phonology 1
Author: The American Speech-Language-Hearing Association - The scope of this page is speech sound disorders with no known cause—historically called articulation and phonological disorders—in preschool and school-age children (ages 3–21).
www.asha.org -
Nonword Repetition Tasks For Dynamic Assessment or Bilingual Evaluations 1
Author: LeadersProject - Nonword Repetition Tasks (NWRT) can be used as a dynamic assessment as opposed to static assessment. NWRTs assess phonological working memory, speech perception, phonological assembly, and short term memory. These skills can have an impact on phonological awareness, word learning, and overall language acquisition. NWRTs are a useful tool to identify children/students with developmental language disorders because they are less culturally and linguistically biased than standardized language tests, as they do not call upon a child’s/student’s prior knowledge as many standardized tests do. Rather, NWRTs ask the child/student to repeat a series of nonwords of differing syllable length and complexity of sound combinations, thereby assessing linguistic abilities that have not been taught or learned previously. Nonword repetition tasks have been analyzed by number of consonants correct or number of items correct. There are different NWRTs for several languages, which contain phonemes specific for that particular language.
www.leadersproject.org -
Articulation Vs. Phonology; Van Riper Vs. Hodson?; What’s a Busy Therapist To Do? 3
Author: Keri Spielvogle, M.C.D., CCC-SLP - Sure, you’ve heard it all in graduate school, but what IS the difference between an articulation disorder and a phonology disorder? I know you knew it "once upon a time," but what do you do when you’re confronted with a child who has unintelligible speech? Do you treat it as an articulation or a phonology disorder? Hopefully, the following information will help you decide.
www.superduperinc.com -
Bilingual (Spanish/English) Evaluation Resources 1
Author: Bilinguistics - Dozens of speech, language, fluency, and other evaluation resources for bilingual evaluations
bilinguistics.com -
Children's Consonant Acquisition In 27 Languages: A Cross-Linguistic Review 2
Author: Sharynne McLeod and Kathryn Crowe - The aim of this study was to provide a cross-linguistic review of acquisition of consonant phonemes to inform speech-language pathologists' expectations of children's developmental capacity by (a) identifying characteristics of studies of consonant acquisition, (b) describing general principles of consonant acquisition, and (c) providing case studies for English, Japanese, Korean, and Spanish. Children across the world acquire consonants at a young age. Five-year-old children have acquired most consonants within their ambient language; however, individual variability should be considered. https://www.theinformedslp.com/review/that-one-time-a-journal-article-on-speech-sounds-broke-the-slp-internet
pubs.asha.org -
Articulation vs Phonological 1
Author: Amy Speech & Language Therapy, Inc. - Articulation is the process by which sounds, syllables, and words are formed when your tongue, jaw, teeth, lips, and palate alter the air stream coming from the vocal folds. When an individual cannot produce or distort an age-expected sound/s, it draws attention away from the speaker’s message. Articulation disorders are motoric errors that can occur among people of any age; however, they are most common in children whose articulators have not developed properly.
www.amyspeechlanguagetherapy.com -
Red Flags For Speech-Language Impairment In Bilingual Children 1
Author: Scott Prath On ASHA Wire - Red Flags for Speech-Language Impairment in Bilingual Children Differentiate disability from disorder by understanding common developmental milestones.
leader.pubs.asha.org -
Articulation and Phonology 2
Author: Katz Speech - It is important to know the difference between an articulation disorder and a phonological disorder. An articulation error is specific to a particular speech sound. A phonological disorder is a simplification of the sound system that results in patterned speech sound errors.
katzspeech.com -
Speech Development In Spanish and English: What the Differences Mean to SLPs 1
Author: Bilinguistics - Speech Development in Spanish and English: What the differences mean to SLPs by Bilinguistics
bilinguistics.com -
How An SLP and OT Collaborate Long-Distance - The ASHA Leader BLOG 1
Author: Stephanie Sigal, MA, CCC-SLP, Michelle Bonang, OTR/L - As speech-language pathologists, we all experience stories of working as an interdisciplinary team. In this story, co-treatment brought us together and keeps us in touch today. Our relationship naturally affected us professionally, but personally as well. This story shares some of my adventures—I’m Stephanie Sigal, an SLP in Manhattan, with my friend and colleague Michelle Bonang, an occupational therapist in Vermont. Together, we teach each other invaluable skills.
leader.pubs.asha.org -
Bilingual Language Development Video 1
Author: Kathy Kohnert - YouTube Video on Bilingual Language Development by Kathy Kohnert
www.youtube.com -
Speech Sound Errors. The Most Common Speech Errors a Child is Likely to Make. 1
Author: David Newmonic - Speech Sound Errors: Speech production difficulties are the most common form of communication impairment school-based speech pathologists are likely to encounter when working in schools.
www.speechlanguage-resources.com -
Bilingual Service Delivery 1
Author: ASHA - Information and resources regarding bilingual service delivery by SLPs (from ASHA)
www.asha.org -
Prosodic Patterns In Children’s Multisyllabic Word Productions 2
Author: Margaret M. Kehoe - This paper reviews results from a series of studies that examined the influence of metrical and segmental effects on English-speaking children’s multisyllabic word productions. Three different approaches (prosodic structure, trochaic template, and perceptual salience) that have been proposed in the literature to account for children’s prosodic patterns are presented and evaluated. An analysis of children’s truncation or syllable deletion patterns revealed the following robust findings: (a) Stressed and word-final unstressed syllables are preserved more frequently than nonfinal unstressed syllables, (b) word-internal unstressed syllables with obstruent onsets are preserved more frequently than word-internal syllables with sonorant onsets, (c) unstressed syllables with non-reduced vowels are preserved more frequently than unstressed syllables with reduced vowels, and (d) right-sided stressed syllables are preserved more frequently than left-sided stressed syllables. An analysis of children’s stress patterns revealed that children made greater numbers of stress errors in target words with irregular stress. Clinical implications of these findings are presented and additional studies that have applied a metrical approach to clinical populations are described.
pubs.asha.org -
Bilingual (English/Spanish) Therapy Materials By Bilinguistics 1
Author: Bilinguistics - Downloads and resources for providing bilingual therapy (Spanish/English)
bilinguistics.com -
Spanish Phonemic Inventory 1
Author: ASHA - Spanish Phonemic Inventory and Facts about Spanish Phonemes by ASHA
www.asha.org -
The Complexity Approach to Phonological Treatment: How to Select Treatment Targets 3
Author: Holly L. Storkel - There are a number of evidence-based treatments for preschool children with phonological disorders (Baker & McLeod, 2011). However, a recent survey by Brumbaugh and Smit (2013) suggests that speech-language pathologists are not equally familiar with all evidence-based treatment alternatives, particularly the complexity approach. The goal of this clinical tutorial is to provide coaching on the implementation of the complexity approach in clinical practice, focusing on treatment target selection. Incorporating the complexity approach into clinical practice will expand the range of evidence-based treatment options that clinicians can use when treating preschool children with phonological disorders.
Activity List(s)
- Basketball /sh, ch, j/ Word List 2
- Playground /th/ Word List 2
- Occupation /s/ Word List 2
- Weather /sh, ch, j/ Word List 1
- Pets /s/-Blends 2
- /s/ word level MWP 1
- Basketball /sh/ Word List 2
- /dz/ words IWP 2
- Bedtime-themed /l/-blend words 2
- Spring /r/ words - initial position 1
- April Fools Day /r/ words – initial position 1
- Friendship /s/ Word List 2
- Words with medial /n/ 1
- Summer /r/ words – initial position 1
- /d/ words - initial position 1
- Labor Day /th/ Word List 1
- Valentine's Day words with /l/-blends in initial word position 1
- /h/ Words-Initial Positions 6
- Back to School /th/ Word List 2
- Summer /s/ Word List 1
Visual Schedule Cards
Related Disorder(s)
- Childhood language disorders - Childhood Language Disorders include: Preschool Language Disorders, Learning Disabilities (Reading, Spelling, and Writing), and Selective Mutism.
- Speech sound disorders - Speech sound disorders is an umbrella term referring to any difficulty or combination of difficulties with perception, motor production, or phonological representation of speech sounds and speech segments—including phonotactic rules governing permissible speech sound sequences in a language.
- Motor Speech Disorders - Dysarthria can be related to neurological damage, however it can be related to many other causes. Dysarthria is a motor speech disorder above all. A dysarthria diagnoses can come from a weakened Parkinson’s patient, a anatomy damaged TBI patient, a stroke patient with cranial nerve and strength deficits, etc).
- Childhood apraxia of speech - Childhood apraxia of speech (CAS) is a disorder that involves difficulty in making speech sounds voluntarily and stringing these sounds together in the correct order to make words. A person with childhood apraxia of speech is not intellectually impaired. Speech pathologists assess, diagnose and support people with CAS.
- Resonance disorders - Resonance disorders result from too much or too little nasal and/or oral sound energy in the speech signal. They can result from structural or functional (e.g., neurogenic) causes and occasionally are due to mislearning (e.g., articulation errors that can lead to the perception of a resonance disorder).
Clinical Assessment of Articulation and Phonology 0
Norm-referenced; articulation and phonology, provides standard scores, percentile ranks, and age equivalents.
Contextual Probes of Articulation Competence - Spanish 0
An assessment and therapy tool kit for working on Spanish articulation and phonology.
LinguiSystems Articulation Test - Normative Update 0
Designed to identify children and young adults with abnormal articulation patterns.
Arizona Articulation Proficiency Scale, Third Revision 0
OutdatedProvides a quick, reliable, well-standardized measure of articulation and phonology to help clinicians identify individuals in need of speech sound service.
The Structured Photographic Articulation Test Featuring Dudsberry 0
Assesses speech production skills.
Goldman-Fristoe Test of Articulation 2 0
OutdatedArticulation test available for individuals from early childhood to adult.
Goldman-Fristoe Test of Articulation 3 0
Articulation test available for individuals from early childhood to adult.
Arizona Articulation and Phonology Scale, Fourth Revision 0
Provides a quick, reliable, well-standardized measure of articulation and phonology to help clinicians identify individuals in need of speech sound service.
Goldman-Fristoe Test of Articulation 3, Spanish 0
GFTA-3 Spanish
Spanish articulation test available for individuals from early childhood to adult.
Photo Articulation Test - Third Edition 0
Standardized way to document the presence of articulation errors.
Goal Bank
- Luke will decrease gliding errors over a 6 week therapy period. 1
- Jane will increase speech intelligibility of 3 -4 word phrases from less than 50% in known contexts with known listeners to 80% in unfamiliar contexts with unfamiliar listeners. 1
Organizations who selected this major focus area as their top area of expertise.
Brain Positive Therapy
Private Practice
1 employeeWe are a fully virtual private practice servicing the states of Georgia, Florida, Maryland, and South Carolina. We assist both pediatric and adult clients with a variety of communication needs.
Infinity Speech LLC
Private Practice
1 employeeInfinity Speech LLC is a pediatric speech language therapy provider. The therapist, Elizabeth Dasher has specializations in autism, sensory integration, and early intervention. We offer in-person and teletherapy services to treat a variety of speech and language delays/disorders.
Every Mind Speech
Private Practice
1 employeeEvery Mind Speech LLC is a boutique speech therapy practice providing personalized, interest-based, neurodiversity-affirming services for autistic and neurodivergent children with speech, language, and social-communication differences. Our approach engages all sensory systems through movement, interactive games, and play. We offer individual and group sessions at your home, school, or in the community in Upper Fairfield County, CT, and Northern Westchester County, NY. Teletherapy services are available to residents of New York and Connecticut.
Let's Talk Speech and Language Therapy
Private Practice
6 - 10 employeesLet's Talk Speech and Language Therapy offers individual speech & language screenings, consultations, assessments, and therapy. Our professional services are designed to enhance skills in areas of articulation, phonology, expressive and receptive language, voice quality, and fluency.
Over the Rainbow Speech-Language Pathology and Related Services, LLC
Private Practice
1 employeeWelcome to Over the Rainbow Speech-Language Pathology and Related Services, LLC, where the goals that you dare to achieve, really do come true! We bring expert speech-language pathology services directly to you, either virtually or in the comfort of your home. Our mission is to provide accessible and personalized care for individuals of all ages, with a specialized focus on early intervention, communication, early language, emerging literacy, dyslexia and written language disorders. We serve all ages, both pediatric and adult clients, and specialize in virtual or in-home Dyslexia, speech, and language evaluations, diagnosis, and treatment. Our mission is to help everyone reach their full potential at convenient times in the comfort of their own homes! We are ASHA certified and licensed to serve individuals in SC and FL. We understand the importance of convenience, which is why we offer both virtual sessions and in-home services, ensuring that you or your loved ones can receive the support you need in a comfortable and familiar environment. What Sets Us Apart? Virtual Convenience: Access our speech-language pathology services from anywhere in SC or FL at convenient times through secure and user-friendly virtual sessions. In-Home Comfort: Experience therapy in the relaxed and familiar setting of your own home for added convenience and comfort (in SC, from Charleston area to Myrtle Beach). Dyslexia Evaluation and Treatment: Benefit from our team's expertise in Dyslexia and written language disorders, ensuring accurate diagnosis, targeted and effective interventions, and thorough evaluations to aid in school or work accommodations. Speech and Language Evaluation and Treatment: We conduct comprehensive assessments, including standardized tests, observations, and family interviews, to understand your child’s unique strengths and needs. Using proven, research-backed interventions, we create individualized therapy plans to improve speech, language, and social communication skills. We ensure that therapy is child-centered, actively involving families in the process to support progress at home and in daily life. SC Babynet Provider: We provide early intervention in natural environments. We have extensive training in caregiver support for children with developmental delays, including Autism. Florida Step Up for Students Provider: We accept and provide skilled services for FL's scholarship program, Step up for Students recipients. Comprehensive Care for All Ages: We cater to individuals of all ages, offering a broad range of speech-language pathology services tailored to specific needs for children and adults. https://www.slpovertherainbow.com
Crow Autism & Speech Therapy Consulting Services, Inc.
Private Practice
1 employeeCrow Autism & Speech Therapy Consulting Services, Inc. provides direct speech-language evaluation and therapy services in Mission Viejo, California. Virtual speech-language evaluation and therapy services are offered to anyone who resides in California. We specialize in the provision of affirming care for clients aged 12 months through adulthood with a variety of communication needs related to articulation, phonology, motor speech/fluency/stuttering, voice, language development, language learning disabilities, social & pragmatic communication, literacy, and more.
2 - 5 employeesProviding Care Based on Needs, Collaboration and Individual Goals. We provide evidenced-based practice to design a plan to meet your individual or your child’s particular needs. We additionally offer classes focusing on executive skills sets to students in 5th grade, middle school and high school. We assist people with an array of diagnoses/conditions: • Apraxia • Aphasia • Early onset Alzheimer’s • Language based communication disorders • Traumatic Brain Injury • Executive Function Deficits • Dysphagia/Swallowing Disorders • Voice • Habilitative therapy Speech and articulation deficits Dyslexia
Broad Horizons Speech Therapy LLC
Private Practice
2 - 5 employeesBroad Horizons Speech Therapy uplifts diversity by providing culturally responsive practices. Individually personalized care filled with empathetic nature. Our clinicians are skilled in health and educational policies that allow your child to blossom in their home and school life. We believe in play based therapy and approaches that uplift your child’s unique interests.
Let's Talk and Move Therapy Center, LLC
Private Practice
1 employeeAt Let's Talk & Move Therapy Center our mission is to help individuals of all ages and backgrounds improve their communication skills and achieve their fullest potential. Working each day diligently to provide the best service to each client and family member.
Telefun Speech Therapy Services LLC
Private Practice
2 - 5 employeesTelefun Speech Therapy services provides speech and language evaluation services in West Palm Beach FL for children of all ages.
CCC Speech & Language Partners P LLC
Private Practice
6 - 10 employeesPediatric Speech & Language Services in the Greater Fall River, Massachusetts area. Focused on Community, Communication & Connection. We offer community-based family group and social groups.
Pediatric Speech Stars, PLLC
Private Practice
2 - 5 employeesPediatric Speech Stars is a boutique mobile private practice who offers family centered, individualized high quality speech and language therapy in homes, daycares and preschools throughout Northeast Tarrant County. Virtual therapy available throughout the state of Texas.
Westbound Speech Therapy
Private Practice
1 employeeNeurodiversity-affirming, strengths-based pediatric speech & language therapy for West Olympia and the surrounding area.
Speaking of Horses
Private Practice
1 employeeAda Haensel is a dynamic Virginia licensed speech-language pathologist and equine expert driven by a deep commitment to facilitating communication and empowerment in individuals with diverse abilities. Graduating from the University of Virginia with honors, Ada earned her undergraduate degree in Communication Disorders in 2019, followed by her master's degree in Communication Science and Disorders in 2021. During her time at the university, Ada spearheaded groundbreaking research investigating the profound neurological effects of therapy animals on speech tasks. Her pioneering study illuminated the remarkable correlation between the presence of animals and enhanced cortical activation, particularly in crucial regions of the brain responsible for language processing and emotional regulation. Ada's findings, which drew from her innate curiosity and dedication to scientific inquiry, underscored the transformative potential of human-animal interactions in therapeutic settings. Building upon her academic achievements, Ada embarked on a fulfilling career as a speech-language pathologist, where she honed her skills and expertise in diverse clinical settings. From her impactful work with South Eastern Therapy for Kids to her compassionate service within Prince William County Public Schools, The Keswick School, and Greene County Public Schools, Ada has demonstrated an unwavering commitment to tailoring her treatments to meet the unique needs of each individual client. Her holistic approach to therapy, rooted in empathy and innovation, has garnered praise from colleagues and clients alike. In addition to her proficiency in speech-language pathology, Ada boasts extensive equine experience that has profoundly shaped her therapeutic philosophy. For over a decade, she volunteered at a therapeutic horse center in Northern Virginia, witnessing firsthand the transformative power of equine-assisted interventions. Ada's passion for horses extends beyond therapeutic practice; she is an accomplished equestrian who competes in the hunter/jumper discipline and has managed a bustling 30-horse show barn with finesse and dedication. Ada's journey to becoming a trailblazing speech-language pathologist and equine expert is deeply personal. Diagnosed with dyslexia and severe anxiety in fourth grade, Ada navigated her own learning challenges with resilience and determination. Yet, her experiences with traditional therapeutic approaches left her feeling disconnected and disengaged. It was this realization that fueled Ada's vision for Speaking of Horses—a visionary endeavor aimed at revolutionizing speech therapy by infusing passion, engagement, and naturalistic experiences. At Speaking of Horses, Ada is dedicated to creating a vibrant, nurturing environment where children not only discover their voices but also thrive in the process. Through her innovative approach, Ada seamlessly integrates her passion for animals, particularly horses, into speech therapy sessions, allowing clients to engage with a diverse array of creatures—from dogs and cats to chickens and bugs—in a dynamic, multisensory environment. By harnessing the power of passion-based learning and equine movement, Ada ensures that each speech session is tailored to progress clients' specific goals while fostering a sense of joy, curiosity, and connection. Ada's ultimate goal is to cultivate a safe, supportive, and fun environment where children not only meet their speech objectives but also develop a profound sense of confidence and self-worth. At Speaking of Horses, Ada envisions a place where clients eagerly anticipate each session, eagerly embracing the transformative journey toward communication and empowerment. Ada's personal journey, coupled with her unwavering dedication to serving others, fuels her mission to redefine speech therapy and create lasting impact in the lives of children and families. With her unique blend of expertise in speech-language pathology and equine-assisted therapy, Ada is poised to lead Speaking of Horses into a future where every individual has the opportunity to find their voice, connect with others, and thrive.
Catalina Speech Therapy
Private Practice
1 employeeCatalina Speech Therapy provides home-based speech and language intervention to children and adults in Oro Valley, AZ and surrounding communities. We focus on helping individuals overcome communication and speech-related challenges. We assess, diagnose, and treat various communication disorders and difficulties in both children and adults. 1. Services Offered:• Speech Therapy: Targeting articulation, fluency, voice, and resonance issues. • Language Therapy: Addressing difficulties in understanding and using words, sentences, and concepts. • Voice Therapy: Treating disorders affecting pitch, volume, and quality of the voice. • Fluency Therapy: Assisting individuals with stuttering or cluttering issues. • Feeding Therapy: improving individuals' difficulties with eating, drinking, and swallowing by employing various techniques to enhance their oral motor skills and mealtime experiences. 2. Assessment and Diagnosis:• Conducting thorough evaluations to identify the specific communication or speech-related challenges a client is facing. • Collaborating with other healthcare professionals, such as physicians and psychologists, when necessary. 3. Individualized Treatment Plans:• Creating personalized therapy plans tailored to each client's needs, goals, and abilities. • Using evidence-based techniques and interventions to enhance communication skills. 4. Age Groups Served:• Offering services to individuals of all ages, from infants and toddlers to seniors. 5. Client Education:• Providing education to clients and their families about the nature of communication disorders, therapy goals, and strategies for continued practice and improvement outside the therapy setting. 6. Collaboration with Other Professionals:• Working closely with educators, physicians, occupational therapists, and other healthcare providers to ensure holistic care for clients. 7. Teletherapy Services:• Offering online speech-language therapy services to provide flexibility and accessibility to clients. 8. Continuing Professional Development:• Keeping therapists updated with the latest research, techniques, and methodologies through ongoing training and professional development. At Catalina Speech Therapy we offer clinical expertise, empathy, and a commitment to improving the communication skills and overall quality of life for our clients.
Therapists who selected this major focus area as their top area of expertise.
Sarah Price
Full-time Therapist CCC-SLPI love working with kids with articulation disorders, expressive and receptive language skills an...
Sidekick Therapy Partners
Breann Mitchell
Full-time Therapist CCC-SLPHi! My name is Breann Mitchell. I work for a private practice, Sidekick Therapy Partners, in Knox...
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Shequria Williams
CCC-SLPHello, My name is Shequria Williams, M.S., CCC-SLP. I graduated from the University of Alabama wi...
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Sidekick Therapy Partners
Lindsey Morton
Full-time Therapist CCC-SLPI have been working with Sidekick Therapy since 2009. I enjoy working with children that have spe...
Shawnry Baker
Full-time Therapist CCC-SLPI worked as a School SLP and at a private practice/clinic for 6 years when living in Georgia. Sin...
Sidekick Therapy Partners
Danielle Rich
Full-time Therapist CCC-SLPI love working with school age children with speech and language disorders. Collaborating with te...
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Kacey Hammonds
CCC-SLPI specialize in treating speech and language disorders in the school setting.
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Sidekick Therapy Partners
Claire Roper
Full-time Therapist CCC-SLPI treat articulation and language disorders at Mary Blount Elementary. I am also the District Coo...
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Rachel Brewer
Full-time Therapist CCC-SLPHi! I'm Rachel. I work as an SLP at Happy Valley Elementary in Carter County. I love working with...
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Sara Boggs
Management CCC-SLPDirector of Case Management and Scheduling. CCC-SLP that has primarily worked in the schools.
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Speechcenter, LLC
Sidekick Therapy Partners
Jennifer Henderson
Full-time Therapist CCC-SLPI am a Speech Language Pathologist with 13+ years of clinical experience. I enjoy working with th...
Speechcenter, LLC
Sidekick Therapy Partners
Krista-Beth Luther
Full-time Therapist CCC-SLPI specialize in working with children who have apraxia of speech , voice disorders, and articulat...
Natalie Keller
Full-time Therapist CCC-SLPI specialize in receptive and expressive language skills, including cognition, and articulation/p...
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Christina Mitchell
Full-time Therapist CCC-SLPI have been a practicing speech-language pathologist for over ten years. I have worked in early i...
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Chezlie Davis
Full-time Therapist CCC-SLPI love working with all clients to improve their goals. I truly have a passion for helping others...
Heidi Wheeler
Full-time Therapist CCC-SLPI have been a Speech-Language Pathologist for 3, going on 4, years now. I have had experience wit...
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Abby Clarke
Full-time Therapist CCC-SLPHi! My name is Abby. My favorite population to work with is elementary aged students. I specializ...
Margie Busby
Full-time Therapist CCC-SLP“If all my possessions were taken from me with one exception, I would choose to keep the power of...
Sidekick Therapy Partners
Nancy Milbourne
Full-time Therapist CCC-SLPI especially love working with students with articulation and phonology challenges, and I love th...
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