Occupational Therapy -> Fine Motor Skills -> Pincer Grasp
Pincer Grasp
Pincer grasp is defined as using the tips of the thumb and index finger to pick up and hold small objects. Individuals across all ages use a pincer grasp to complete tasks including the following examples: picking up small food items or toys and manipulating fasteners.
Reference links
Handwriting: A Matter of Affairs 2
Author: Iman M. M. Muwafaq Al-Ghabra, English Department, College of Education For Women, Baghdad University, Baghdad - Mangen and Velay (2010) state that in handwriting, visual attention strongly focuses on the movement of the hand, while in typing, the visual attention scatters between hitting the keyboard and watching the screen. Thus, tracing letters is important for children to improve their writing because they can focus only on drawing letters. Hence, handwriting is better for students than typing to gain more information; Alleyene confirms this (2011). In his article, Alleyne states that handwriting lets the information stick in the brain rather than typing; writing the piece of information is like imprinting it in the brain. In addition, FYI Health Writer (2011) states that since handwriting requires using motor skills which take some time to copy letters, this process helps children to develop their learning and cognition.
files.eric.ed.gov -
Effectiveness of a 10-Week Tier-1 Response to Intervention Program In Improving Fine Motor and Visual–Motor Skills In General Education Kindergarten Students 2
Author: Ohl, Graze, Weber, Kenny, Salvatore, & Wagreich - Tier 1 RtI approach to be effective in improving the fine motor and visual–motor skills of kindergarten children at the beginning of the school year. Occupational therapy practitioners have a beneficial role in contributing effective Tier 1 strategy and practices that support the needs of students in the classroom environment. Short-term interventions can have a significant effect on the fine motor and visual–motor integration skills required for handwriting readiness. Collaboration provides teachers with skills and tools they can use in the future with or without the occupational therapy practitioner present Citation: Alisha M. Ohl, Hollie Graze, Karen Weber, Sabrina Kenny, Christie Salvatore, Sarah Wagreich; Effectiveness of a 10-Week Tier-1 Response to Intervention Program in Improving Fine Motor and Visual–Motor Skills in General Education Kindergarten Students. Am J Occup Ther September/October 2013, Vol. 67(5), 507–514. doi: https://doi.org/10.5014/ajot.2013.008110
research.aota.org -
The Importance of Cursive Handwriting Over Typewriting For Learning In the Classroom: A High-Density EEG Study of 12-Year-Old Children and Young Adults 1
Author: Eva Ose Askvik, F. R. (Ruud) Van Der Weel and Audrey L. H. Van Der Meer* - In a recent EEG study, Van der Meer and Van der Weel (2017) found that drawing by hand activated larger networks in the brain compared to typewriting and concluded that the involvement of fine hand movements in note-taking, as opposed to simply pressing a key on a keyboard, may be more beneficial for learning, especially when encoding new information.
Activity List(s)
Goal Bank
- Jane will pick up small objects using an inferior pincer grasp and successfully place them into a container with their thumb and fingers using her right-hand 3 times in 4 /5 treatment sessions with setup assist and 30% verbal cues for increased grasp and release accuracy. 0
Home Exercise Program Hand Strengthening
Krystan Inman
Hand strength is important to develop fine motor skills needed for daily tasks such as pencil grasp and handwriting, scissors skills and self-care such as dressing, eating, and brushing teeth.
Occupational Therapy: Candy Corn Theme
Glenna Nave
Visual Perception Resources. Handwriting Resources. Occupational Therapy Resource. Playdoh. This bundle includes worksheets to work on visual perception, fine motor, and handwriting skills.
Let's Draw A Sun
Kimberly Luster. COTA
Drawing and coloring activity with simple step by step directions.
Spring Handwriting Resource
Virginia Ingram, CCC-SLP
Use these handwriting worksheets to practice letter formation. This will also help test receptive language skills as the child will match the word to the picture of the concept.
Includes activity list6
Earth Day Activities
Krystan Inman
Earth Day packet addressing handwriting, visual skills, problem solving, and motor control.
Kiki Plays Tic Tac Toe
Bethany Ayer
Teletherpy. In-Person. A quick way to play tic tac toe! Print out or play on teletherapy!
Letter Box Matching - St Patrick’s Day
Glenna Nave
Handwriting Resources. Fine Motor Resources. Letter Recognition Resources. Occupational Therapy Resource. Following the Size Matters Handwriting Program, match the words on the right with the corre...
Frog Play-Doh Mat
Glenna Nave
Fine Motor Resource. Sensory. Worksheets. Play-Doh Resource. Occupational Therapy Resource. Work on fine motor skills while having the students roll play-doh into small balls with the tips of their...
Baseball Race Motor Control
Glenna Nave
Fine Motor Resource. Dynamic Grasp Resource. Occupational Therapy Resource. Race to be the first player to color in all of the baseballs. Addresses fine motor control skills to promote a dynamic gr...
Draw a Ladybug Resource
Kimberly Luster, COTA
Use this resource to draw a ladybug. Drawing and visuospatial skills are important foundational skills for handwriting.
Includes activity list6