Occupational Therapy -> Sensory -> Proprioception


Proprioception, also referred to as kinaesthesia, is the sense of self-movement and body position. It is sometimes described as the 'sixth sense'.

Reference links

  • Occupational Therapy Interventions For Children and Youth With Challenges In Sensory Integration and Sensory Processing: A School-Based Practice Case Example 0
    Author: Gloria Frolek Clark; Renee Watling; L. Diane Parham; Roseann Schaaf - This case demonstrates the use of evidence-based strategies in school-based occupational therapy for a student with ASD and sensory processing difficulties whose occupational therapy evaluation identified specific challenges in the school routine that affected his occupational performance and participation. This case emphasizes the need to implement the following evidence-based evaluation and intervention procedures: - Conduct a comprehensive evaluation that includes screening all areas of occupation, record review, interviews, observations during natural routines, and assessment tool use (when applicable). - Use evaluation findings to hypothesize why participation challenges occur. - Work with the team to identify the student’s needs and create collaborative student IEP goals to address these needs (not therapy-specific goals). - Provide occupational therapy services that reflect the distinct value of occupational therapy in school settings. - Gather frequent quantitative data to determine the effectiveness of the intervention.
  • Proprioception 0
    Author: Wikipedia - Proprioception, also referred to as kinaesthesia (or kinesthesia), is the sense of self-movement and body position. It is sometimes described as the "sixth sense".

Activity List(s)

Visual Schedule Cards

Related Disorder(s)

  • Sensory processing disorders - Sensory processing disorder is a condition in which the brain has trouble receiving and responding to information that comes in through the senses.

Goal Bank

  • Peter will utilize a crash pad during school day 3 /4 times a day to meet the need for proprioceptive input to promote safe gross motor participation, increase core strength, and enhance attention by May 5, 2023. 0
  • Given direct OT intervention with fading prompts, Margie will improve body awareness as evidenced by maintaining proper distance from peer when walking in a line 90% of the time out of 3/5 opportunities. 2
  • Mara will actively participate and complete 10 min of upper-body strengthening activities, including animal walk, plank, inchworm, and similar weight-bearing activities with visual and min verbal cues, in 4 / 5 sessions, to increase upper-body strength and awareness. 0
  • Jane will actively participate and complete 10 min of upper body strengthening activities, including animal walk, plank, inchworm, and similar weight-bearing activities with modeling in 4 /5 sessions, to increase upper-body strength and awareness. 0
  • Mara will actively participate and follow directions to maintain prone prop over a supportive device (ball, swing, wedge) for 10 minutes at a time in 4 /5 trials, with visuals and min verbal assistance to increase body strength and awareness. 0


  • Pencil Control Exercises- Vertical Lines preview

    Pencil Control Exercises- Vertical Lines

    Glenna Nave

    Writing Resource. Pre-writing Worksheet. Fine Motor Resource. Occupational Therapy Resource. OT. Pencil Control. Directions: connect the dots while keeping marks inside the pathway.
