Physical Therapy -> Gross Motor Skills -> Transitions


Transitions in PT are considered ways a child moves from one position to another. Example of transitions are: moving from sitting on a chair to standing, moving from sitting on the floor to laying on your belly, moving from a crawling position to standing up at a piece of furniture, and so on.

Reference links

Activity List(s)

Visual Schedule Cards

Goal Bank

  • Kim will squat to pick up objects off the ground and return to upright with CGA and no UE supervision, 5 times per day, 4/5 times per week, for 2 months, to improve her gross motor skills and independence in the classroom. 0
  • To increase participation during circle time games, Lauren will transition from supine to long sitting and hold for 2 minutes with no assistance in 5 sessions, per teacher’s report. 1
  • Chase will increase overall core strength for floor playtime, by crawling 15 feet, with no assist, to grab a toy, by the end of 1 month(s). 1
  • Caroline will roll from supine to prone with minimum assistance, with 50% success to both sides, 10 times over 3 sessions, to improve floor mobility for playtime. 1
  • John will transition from quadruped to short kneeling, with min supervision, in 1 minute(s) to enable upright transitions in 4/5 trials for 6 sessions to better participate in classroom floor games. 1
  • Jess will ambulate 100 feet on an uneven surface without stumbling to improve dynamic balance by 2 weeks. 1
  • Tony will ambulate 50 feet, 5 times over 2 week(s), with hand held assist for increased transitioning when ambulating in school. 1
  • Jay will transition from short sit to stand with stand-by supervision and no UE support, 5 times per day, and 4 /5 days per week for 6 weeks to improve safe participation in indoor and outdoor activities. 0
  • Kurt will negotiate a multi-step obstacle course (e.g., balance beam, ramp, curb, stairs, climbing equipment) for 5 repetitions, with moderate assistance, in 6 consecutive sessions, to increase safe participation at the playground. 0
  • Kosta will pull to stand from a kneeling position, 5 x during the session with verbal cuing, to improve standing balance and core strength in 2 months. 0
  • Luke will ambulate 3 steps with no external aid to increase his stamina and walking independence in 3 weeks. 1
  • Lisa will reach for the object 5 xs with LUE, in a quadruped position, 4 /5 days in a week, in the classroom and other settings, with min supervision, to improve her gross motor skills and her participation in everyday life activities, in 6 weeks. 0


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