Physical Therapy -> Neuromuscular Retraining -> Body Awareness

Body Awareness

Some kids have poor body awareness. These kids may appear clumsy, they trip frequently, have difficulty with hand eye coordination, and tend to run into other people in the hallways at school. PT can help connect our brains and our body parts to help these kids improve their ability to know what their body is doing, which decreases those clumsy tendencies.

Reference links

Activity List(s)

Visual Schedule Cards

Goal Bank

  • Caroline will sit upright, maintaining midline, with minimal support, hold 60 seconds for 8 sessions, to increase floor static stability for playtime functionality. 0
  • Conner will complete shoe donning with Minimal assist and 80% verbal cue, 5 times a week, for increased functional independence when changing shoes in the class. 1
  • Sean will build a tower out of 10 blocks, with minimal assistance, for 5 sessions, to improve dexterity for building playtime. 1
  • Trey will orient head towards rattle, with verbal cuing, with 75% success, for 30 seconds over 2 sessions, to improve spatial awareness for toy play. 1
  • To increase participation during circle time games, Lauren will transition from supine to long sitting and hold for 2 minutes with no assistance in 5 sessions, per teacher’s report. 1
  • Benny will sit in short sitting, maintaining midline, with Supervision assist, for 90 seconds over 5 sessions, to improve static sitting balance in class. 1
  • Jane will hold an elbow plank, without dropping, for 5 seconds , 30 times a weeks, to improve core endurance. 1
  • William will walk 30 feet in the school environment (i.e., homeroom room to the school cafeteria/bathroom) with hand-held assistance 4/5 days per week in 2 months per teacher's report. 0
  • Brett will move his arm from the side position straight into the air, 5 times for 6 sessions, to make asking questions in class easier. 0
  • John will transition from quadruped to short kneeling, with min supervision, in 1 minute(s) to enable upright transitions in 4/5 trials for 6 sessions to better participate in classroom floor games. 1
  • Darrel will reach to floor to pick an object off the ground and return to upright with no supervision in the short sit position, 5 time per day, 4 / 5 days per week, for 4 weeks, to improve safety during the classroom and playground activities. 0
  • Savvah will actively perform upper and lower extremity and trunk strengthening exercises in every session at least 10 mins per session in 6 consecutive sessions to be able to continue practicing independently at home. 0
  • Tom will walk up and kick a medium size ball without losing balance in 3 /4 trials, with modeling and 25% min support in 4 sessions, to participate in a play with his peers. 0
  • Kurt will negotiate a multi-step obstacle course (e.g., balance beam, ramp, curb, stairs, climbing equipment) for 5 repetitions, with moderate assistance, in 6 consecutive sessions, to increase safe participation at the playground. 0
  • After finishing activities for the day, Connor will perform static lower extremity stretches for 30 seconds each, 5 days a week, to improve flexibility and muscle relaxation. 0
  • Jay will transition from short sit to stand with stand-by supervision and no UE support, 5 times per day, and 4 /5 days per week for 6 weeks to improve safe participation in indoor and outdoor activities. 0
  • Lisa will reach for the object 5 xs with LUE, in a quadruped position, 4 /5 days in a week, in the classroom and other settings, with min supervision, to improve her gross motor skills and her participation in everyday life activities, in 6 weeks. 0
  • Kim will squat to pick up objects off the ground and return to upright with CGA and no UE supervision, 5 times per day, 4/5 times per week, for 2 months, to improve her gross motor skills and independence in the classroom. 0
  • Kosta will pull to stand from a kneeling position, 5 x during the session with verbal cuing, to improve standing balance and core strength in 2 months. 0


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