Physical Therapy -> Neuromuscular Retraining -> Crossing Midline

Crossing Midline

Midline is an imaginary line that runs from the top of your head to the bottom of your feet - imagine a line running from your nose to your belly button and all the way down between your feet. When we cross midline, that means that our right hand crosses over that imaginary line to the other side. This task helps both sides of our brain talk to each other which increases balance, body awareness, and coordination.

Reference links

  • Interlimb (Bilateral) Coordination and Academic Performance In Elementary School Children 0
    Author: Sheila Cristina Da Silva Pacheco 1, Carl Gabbard 2, Lilian Gerdi Kittel Ries 1, Tatiana Godoy Bobbio 3 - There was a significant difference between groups for Total Motor Composite (P < 0.001), favoring the high group. On regression analysis, there was a significant association between academic performance and Body Coordination. Of the subtests of Body Coordination (Bilateral Coordination and Balance), Bilateral Coordination accounted for the highest impact on academic performance. Of interest here, that subtest consists primarily of gross motor tasks involving interlimb coordination. Conclusion: Overall, there was a positive relationship between motor behavior, in particular activities involving interlimb coordination, and academic performance. Application of these findings in the area of early assessment may be useful in the identification of later academic problems.

Activity List(s)

Goal Bank

  • Caroline will roll from supine to prone with minimum assistance, with 50% success to both sides, 10 times over 3 sessions, to improve floor mobility for playtime. 1
  • In standing, Stephen will reach overhead across midline for objects, 4/5 times, with no assistance, without loss of balance, to improve safety and balance in the classroom, at home and playground, in 6 consecutive sessions. 0


  • Physical Therapy For Spring: Strawberry preview

    Physical Therapy For Spring: Strawberry

    Dana Parker PTA

    A collection of coordination, core strength, upper and lower extremity strength, and crossing the midline activities. Great for those who are dreaming of delicious spring and summer strawberries.

    Includes activity list


  • Physical Therapy For Jokesters: Wisecrack preview

    Physical Therapy For Jokesters: Wisecrack

    Dana Parker

    Physical Therapy Resource. Movement Resource. Exercise Resource. PT. A collection of coordination, core strength, upper and lower extremity strength, and crossing the midline activities. Great for ...

    Includes activity list


  • Spring Animal Exercises preview

    Spring Animal Exercises

    Dana Parker PTA

    Physical Therapy Resource. Exercise Resource. Occupational Therapy Resource. PT. OT. Movement Resource. Spring is in the air, so it's time to get moving! These fun animal exercises help improve str...

    Includes activity list


  • Physical Therapy For Spring: Daffodils preview

    Physical Therapy For Spring: Daffodils

    Dana Parker PTA

    Physical Therapy Resource. Movement Resource. PT. Exercise Resource. A collection of coordination, core strength, upper and lower extremity strength, and crossing the midline activities. Great for ...

    Includes activity list


  • "I Know An Old Lady Who Swallowed a Pie" Yoga Activity preview

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    Whitney Castle

    Read and move along to the book! Use the old lady to print and cut a circle/opening for her mouth or use on white board. Print and cut out food items to place in Old Lady's mouth or use food items ...

    Includes activity list


  • Holiday Breakfast Yoga and Breathing Activities preview

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    Whitney Castle, PT, DPT

    Yoga Resource. Movement Resource. Physical Therapy Resource. Occupational Therapy Resource. Mindfulness Resource. Move and breathe along with a holiday breakfast menu with yoga poses and breathing ...

    Includes activity list


  • Farm Animal Moves preview

    Farm Animal Moves

    Whitney Castle

    Have fun exercising while moving and acting like farm animals! This can be done for so many seconds or minutes or even to music for a game of freeze.
