Physical Therapy -> Strength -> Total Body / Gross / Overall

Total Body / Gross / Overall

Overall body strength is important so we can use body parts or our body as a whole to perform a task. Overall body strength is worked on in physical therapy by doing tasks that require large muscle groups, such as jumping on the trampoline, squats, going up and down the stairs, and climbing over obstacle courses.

Reference links

Activity List(s)

Visual Schedule Cards

Goal Bank

  • Caitlyn will safely climb a ladder at the playground with minimal assistance, 3 times a week, for 2 week(s), to improve overall strength and endurance. 1
  • Theo will safely perform 20 push ups without falling, 5 days a week for 2 months, to improve upper extremity strength. 1
  • Kara will stand on tiptoes, with minimal sway, for 10 seconds, 5 times over 5 sessions, to promote higher scores on the Peabody Developmental Motor Scale. 1
  • Olivia will cruise, using the wall as support, for 15 feet, for 5 sessions, to increase developmental ambulation for in school transitions. 0
  • Darren will grasp a cube from a pile of shapes, from sitting, with 80% success, 10 times over 5 sessions, to improve grasping ability for playtime. 1
  • Lisa will reach for the object 5 xs with LUE, in a quadruped position, 4 /5 days in a week, in the classroom and other settings, with min supervision, to improve her gross motor skills and her participation in everyday life activities, in 6 weeks. 0
  • Jane will recover 80% to midline, from lateral perturbations, while sitting, 10 times over 5 sessions, to promote better righting reactions for floor time. 1
  • Chase will increase overall core strength for floor playtime, by crawling 15 feet, with no assist, to grab a toy, by the end of 1 month(s). 1
  • Savvah will actively perform upper and lower extremity and trunk strengthening exercises in every session at least 10 mins per session in 6 consecutive sessions to be able to continue practicing independently at home. 0
  • Tommy will imitate the therapists movement with no verbal cuing, with 75% success, for 90 seconds over 5 sessions, to improve cognitive motor planning for receiving instructions. 1
  • Caroline will roll from supine to prone with minimum assistance, with 50% success to both sides, 10 times over 3 sessions, to improve floor mobility for playtime. 1
  • Ryan will throw a baseball 20 feet with proper mechanics 10 times a day, for 2 week(s), to improve ball skills. 1
  • John will transition from quadruped to short kneeling, with min supervision, in 1 minute(s) to enable upright transitions in 4/5 trials for 6 sessions to better participate in classroom floor games. 1
  • Tony will ambulate 50 feet, 5 times over 2 week(s), with hand held assist for increased transitioning when ambulating in school. 1
  • Jane will hold an elbow plank, without dropping, for 5 seconds , 30 times a weeks, to improve core endurance. 1
  • Benny will sit in short sitting, maintaining midline, with Supervision assist, for 90 seconds over 5 sessions, to improve static sitting balance in class. 1
  • Jess will ambulate 100 feet on an uneven surface without stumbling to improve dynamic balance by 2 weeks. 1


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