Speech Therapy -> Augmentative and Alternative Communication -> Unaided Communication

Unaided Communication

Unaided modes of communication include nonspoken means of natural communication (including gestures and facial expressions) as well as manual signs and American Sign Language (ASL). These modes of communication often require adequate motor control and communication partners who can interpret the intended message.

Reference links

Activity List(s)

Visual Schedule Cards

Goal Bank

  • Ulysses will use his/her device to answer basic what and where questions based on picture or a short story with 90% accuracy across 3 consecutive sessions to improve language comprehension. 4
  • Chastity will respond (with eye gaze, vocalizations, participation, etc.) to communicative scripts (ready...set...go), music, or communication with eye contact, vocalizations or gestures with 90% accuracy to demonstrate communicative intent 3/4 consecutive data days as measured by data collection. 4
  • When given verbal, visuals or gesture prompts, Teri will use 2+ words to describe a picture with 80% accuracy, over 3 consecutive sessions, as measured by observations, data collection and/or standardized testing to increase expressive language skills. 2
  • Cory will use multiple modes of communication to appropriately protest, communicate that she is upset, and request sensory activities/break time to remain calm in 3 /4 opportunities given minimal assistance across 5 consecutive sessions to increase expressive and pragmatic language skills. 2
  • During structured clinical tasks/target words, Kelley will produce a variety of consonant-vowel combinations including CVC, CVCV, CVCVC at the word, phrase, and sentence-level and then progress to spontaneous productions, without prompting, to increase his ability to make his wants/needs to be known, with 80% accuracy across 3 treatment sessions. 3
  • With fading modeling, Jordan will use carrier phrases "I don't want (item or activity)" and/or "I want (item or activity)" using AAC or any multimodal communication when expressing refusal or approval in 3 out 4 opportunities in 6 consecutive sessions, for active participation in everyday life situations. 0