Speech Therapy -> Expressive Language -> Categories


Categories are a group or class of items with shared characteristics. Categories are a foundation for how we learn, relate, store, and recall words. Arranging thoughts, concepts, and words into categories facilitate meaning, memory, and retrieval. Categories give a connection between words based upon similarities and differences.

Reference links

  • How and Why to Teach Categories in Speech Therapy 1
    Author: @allison_fors - Categories in speech therapy! Categories are a foundation for how we learn, relate, store, and recall words. Discover speech therapy activities and more.

Activity List(s)

Visual Schedule Cards

Goal Bank

  • Omar will demonstrate improved expressive language vocabulary in and out of the therapy setting by naming 6 items in a category, (for example sports, holidays, months, items that are round, large, cold, used to clean, at school, etc) with 90% accuracy in 3 out of 5 opportunities over 5 sessions, with fading prompts as measured by SLP observation and data. 3
  • Golda will receptively identify categories when given at least 4 items, expressively name at least 3 items when given a category, and identify/explain why items do or don't belong in a category with 80% accuracy over 4 consecutive sessions as measured by clinician data and observation to increase receptive and expressive language skills. 5
  • Willia will state how 4 items are related, with and without visual cues, with 90% accuracy over 4 consecutive sessions to improve language expression. 3
  • When presented with 4 objects or pictures, Marc will categorize stimulus items as the same or different when provided fading verbal and gesture cues to increase receptive and expressive language skills with 90% accuracy across 4 sessions as measured by clinician data collection. 3
  • Given structured therapy materials and decreasing prompts/cues, Clair will demonstrate improved expressive vocabulary by a) describing 4 attributes of pictures or objects and b) naming categories and category items, and c) identifying/describing an object's function, with 90% accuracy, in 4 consecutive sessions as measured by SLP observation and data collection taken during each therapy session. 3
  • Jane will categorize foods with 80% accuracy given minimal support from clinician in 3 out of 5 treatment sessions. 0
  • To increase her expressive and receptive vocabulary, Jane will label or identify targeted age-appropriate vocabulary (colors , animals , shapes , etc.) with 80% accuracy given moderate cueing across 3 consecutive sessions within 6 months time. 0
  • Given objects, pictures, or visual stimuli, Zita will receptively and expressively identify age-appropriate vocabulary words, actions, and concepts, and sort them into categories with 90% accuracy across 3 consecutive sessions to increase receptive and expressive language skills. 3


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Professionals who selected this minor focus area as their top area of expertise.

  • Milleena Fonseca

    Milleena Fonseca

    Full-time Therapist CF-SLP

    I am currently a clinical fellow working to get my CCC's! I love working with children and elderl...