Speech Therapy -> Expressive Language -> Commenting
Adding additional information to a conversation by adding personal anecdote or description.
Activity List(s)
Top 20 (View all)
- "Spatial Concepts: Where's Kiki?" - Christmas Theme Activity List 1
- Verb Root Words 1
- 6 Cool ideas to start conversation with another teens at the community pool 1
- Name the category: Thanksgiving Edition 1
- "Spatial Concepts: Where's Kiki?" - Valentine's Day-Themed Activity List 1
- 10 adjectives about something nice 1
- Basic Concepts Communication Boards: Colors 5
- 5 beautiful and descriptive phrases about the importance of the Sun for 12 years old 1
- 5 phrases starting with "I need you to..." to let the kid know you don't like when he is splashing you and taking away your inflatable at the pool 2
- December Holiday Multisyllabic Words in Phrases 1
- 5 positive comments about listening carefully 2
- Questions and Conversation Starters for Kiki and Robo Make Snow 0
- Thanksgiving Grateful Choice Board and Worksheet - Vocabulary 1
- 10 tools archeologists use to excavate fossils 8
- Halloween Party Scene 1
- ONE DICE questions (1st page) 1
- Kiki's Holiday Breakfast Action Words 0
- Give a compliment about the pasta, cheese, and basil meal someone prepared for you 1
- Kiki's Holiday Breakfast Categorization 0
- Kiki's Holiday Breakfast Discussion and Thought Starters 0
Visual Schedule Cards
Goal Bank
- Taylor will expand comments or questions to express a message for a communication partner for 2/3 topics/subtopics given moderate cueing across 4 of 5 sessions. 0
- Jane will make 5 relevant comments during a naturalistic game with 80% accuracy given minimal clinician cueing across 3 of 5 sessions. 1
- Chadwick will use his SGD to make requests and comment with 80% accuracy given moderate assistance over 5 consecutive sessions to improve functional communication. 2
- Charlie will make 5 relevant comments during a naturalistic game with 80% accuracy given moderate cueing across 3 of 5 treatment sessions. 1
- Given verbal and visual prompts, Ardelle will consistently use multi-word utterances (4+ words) for a variety of pragmatic functions (including labeling, commenting, and requesting) 9 /10 times in a session to improve expressive and pragmatic language skills as measured by data collection and observation across 3 consecutive data collection days. 2
- During structured and unstructured activities, Florencia will use action words to verbalize basic wants & needs (e.g. stop, go, turn, want, eat) with 90% accuracy across 3 consecutive therapy sessions to increase expressive communication. 3
- To increase her expressive and receptive vocabulary, Jane will label or identify targeted age-appropriate vocabulary (colors , animals , shapes , etc.) with 80% accuracy given moderate cueing across 3 consecutive sessions within 6 months time. 0
- Scott will imitate, then use 2-word utterances with fading prompts with 90% accuracy across 3 consecutive sessions to improve expressive language skills. 2
- Mauro will produce a variety of consonant-vowel combinations including CV, VC, CVC, and CVCV words with fading prompts in structured and play activities to improve speech intelligibility with 90% accuracy across 3 sessions. 3
Top 20 (View all)
Requesting Sentence Strips With Coloring Vocabulary
Sara Lowczyk
12 sentence strips with color vocabulary cards.
Possessive Pronouns: Sentence Completion and Creation
Abigail Willis CCC-SLP
Sentence completion and creation task targeting possessive pronouns.
Future Simple Tense Verbs Sentence Completion and Creation
Abigail Willis CCC SLP
A sentence completion and creation task targeting future simple verb tense.
Includes activity list7
Irregular Plurals
Savannah Kerstetter
Language Resource. Speech Resource. Plural Resource. Teletherapy. In-Person. A list of 10 common irregular plurals
Third Person Subjective Pronouns: Sentence Completion and Creation
Abigail Willis CCC SLP
A sentence completion and creation task targeting third person subjective pronouns
Where's Kiki: Spatial Concepts (Christmas Edition)
Gabriella Cousino, M.S., CF-SLP
Where's Kiki: Spatial Concepts (Christmas Edition) is a resource designed as a resource to teach and practice spatial concepts. How to use the resource: • Using the visuals, have your client locate...
Parent Handout: Language Facilitating Techniques
Gabriella Cousino, M.S., CF-SLP
The "Parent Handout: Language Facilitating Techniques" resource was designed as an educational tool for parents to learn strategies to help increase language development at home.
Where's Kiki: Spatial Concepts (Easter Edition)
Gabriella Cousino, M.S., CF-SLP
Where's Kiki: Spatial Concepts (Easter Edition) is a resource designed as a resource to teach and practice spatial concepts. How to use the resource: • Using the visuals, have your client locate Ki...
Expressive Farm Prepositions
Savannah Kerstetter
Preposition Resource. Language Resource. 10 slides of expressive farm themed prepositions with visual cues included.
Compare and Contrast
Savannah Kerstetter
Language Resource. 10 pairs of every day items to be used during a comparing and contrasting activity.
Includes activity list3
Possessive Adjectives: Sentence Completion and Creation
Abigail Willis CCC SLP
Sentence completion and creation task targeting possessive adjectives (his, her, their, my, our, your)
Valentine’s Pronouns He Vs. She
Breann Voytko
Let’s practice pronouns He vs. She this Valentine’s Day
Space Preposition Coloring Book
Sara Lowczyk
A black and white space-themed coloring book to work on prepositions with color vocabulary cards.
Kitchen Items/Food Items/Create a Scene Activity
Jessica Lenden-Holt
19 pages. Variety of kitchen and food pictures with other kitchen items. Can be modified for a variety of language or articulation activities. Wh-question cards, command cards, recipe card, and more
Includes activity list4
Halloween and Fall Graphics
Savannah Kerstetter
Slides with individual graphics for fall and Halloween.
Includes activity list5
What Happened At School Today
Sara Lowczyk
A visual support to provide to teachers to send home with students.
Cupcake Shoppe Speech/Language/Reinforcer Activities
Jessica Lenden-Holt
19 pages of cupcake activities. Including: 2 bakery create a scene backgrounds, 2 page of create a scene items/bakers, 4 create your own cupcake black/white images, 2 pages of large cupcakes, 2 pag...
Film Movie Review Writing Prompts and Discussion
Jessica Lenden-Holt CCC-SLP
Film Review Template Includes: Title, Genre, Actors, Setting, Star Rating, Review with lined spaced, Opinion Column (favorite character, quote, costume, scene, "What I didn't like", What I would ch...