Speech Therapy -> Expressive Language -> Communicative Intent
Communicative Intent
Actions or utterances performed that represent a pragmatic function.
Reference links
Communication/Interaction Development At Mealtimes For the Multiply Handicapped Child: Implications For Use of Augmentative Communication Systems 1
Author: Morris, S. - The mealtime setting can be creatively used by the speech-language pathologist to increase the positive interactions between the child and caregiver and to establish the basic prerequisites for the development of communication. Specific program suggestions are provided to enable the speech-language pathologist to utilize the mealtime setting to integrate both vocal and nonvocal communicative objectives.
Activity List(s)
- 8 Social phrases when you want to start talking to other kids at the community pool 1
- 6 Cool ideas to start conversation with another teens at the community pool 1
- Thanksgiving Sentences with Multisyllabic Words 1
- Thanksgiving Grateful Choice Board and Worksheet - Vocabulary 1
- How do I talk to a friend who made me cry? 2
- 5 phrases starting with "I need you to..." to let the kid know you don't like when he is splashing you and taking away your inflatable at the pool 2
- "Spatial Concepts: Where's Kiki?" - Christmas Theme Activity List 1
- Spring Wh- Questions 2
- 5 positive comments about listening carefully 2
- Thanksgiving Grateful Choice Board and Worksheet - Sentence Strips, Questions, and Thought Starters 1
- Name the Category: Jokes 1
- What belongs in this group? Jokes 1
- Following Directions: Valentine's Day - Kiki sends a letter to Robo 1
- Wh- questions: Jokes 1
- All About Me Question List with Additional Prompts 2
- Phone call to the library to see if a book is in 2
- Thanksgiving Phrases with Multisyllabic Words 1
- Phone call to the doctor's office to make an appointment 2
- December Holiday Multisyllabic Words in Sentences 1
- What do you say when calling 911? 2
Visual Schedule Cards
Goal Bank
- During structured and unstructured activities, Florencia will use action words to verbalize basic wants & needs (e.g. stop, go, turn, want, eat) with 90% accuracy across 3 consecutive therapy sessions to increase expressive communication. 3
- Jacob will initiate verbal requests for wants and needs in 8 of 10 trials given minimal support in 3 of 5 treatment sessions. 1
- Teri will attempt to activate his NEVO device (or other AAC device) 3 times during a therapy session over consecutive sessions as measured by clinical observation and documentation to increase communicative intent. 2
- Chi will use AAC device to ask questions or initiate phoneme with SLP/teachers/peersin 4 out of 4 opportunities across 4 consecutive therapy sessions as measured by clinician data and observation to increase expressive language abilities. 2
- Judie will indicate wants and needs by combining gesture + vocalization 15 X a session, across 3 consecutive sessions to increase communicative intent as measured by clinician observation, with 25% verbal modeling. 1
- Taylor will expand comments or questions to express a message for a communication partner for 2/3 topics/subtopics given moderate cueing across 4 of 5 sessions. 0
- Mauro will produce a variety of consonant-vowel combinations including CV, VC, CVC, and CVCV words with fading prompts in structured and play activities to improve speech intelligibility with 90% accuracy across 3 sessions. 3
- Carlton will request an object/activity/basic need (e.g. take a break) given visual supports (e.g. field of 3-4 picture symbols) in 80% of opportunities, adjusting level of support as needed across consecutive therapy sessions as measured by clinician data and observation to increase expressive language skills. 2
Professionals who selected this minor focus area as their top area of expertise.
Lindsey Hull
Full-time Therapist CCC-SLPI love speech and language therapy, and kiddos with complex communication needs have a special pl...
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