Speech Therapy -> Expressive Language -> Labeling
Using nouns to identify a person or object.
Reference links
The Functional External Memory Aid Tool Version 2.0: A How-To Clinical Guide 0
Author: Alyssa M Lanzi 1 2, Anna K Saylor 1, Robert F Dedrick 3, Michelle S Bourgeois 4, Matthew L Cohen 1 2 5 - This clinical-focus article describes new resources available to help clinicians administer and interpret Version 2.0 of the FEMAT when serving adults with cognitive-communication disorders.
Activity List(s)
Top 20 (View all)
- I Spy/ Object Identification/ Describe/ Following Directions Winter Cabin Coloring Page Activity 1
- Basic Concepts Communication Boards: Colors 5
- Name the category: Halloween Edition 2
- /dz/ words IWP 2
- /dz/ words MWP 2
- /dz/ FWP 2
- Words relating to Toileting 4
- Name the category: Spring edition 2
- What belongs in this group? Spring edition 1
- 10 Famous Dragons 8
- Dragon Pokémon 7
- Planets in Solar System 1
- 70 Animals 1
- 6 professions related to Aviation 6
- 10 tools archeologists use to excavate fossils 8
- What belongs in this Group? Winter Edition 1
- Hiking Nature Sounds 2
- What belongs in this Group? Valentine's Day Edition 1
- 5 most famous fossils found by archeologists 7
- 10 non-living things 7
Goal Bank
- Given a group of objects or pictures, Marvin will improve her receptive language skills by pointing to or reaching for the item named with 80 percent accuracy, on 3 consecutive data days, as measured weekly by therapy data collection and observation within 6 months time. 1
- Given pictures, Gisela will name family members with 90% accuracy for 4 out of 4 sessions as measured by clinician observation to increase expressive language skills. 2
- Edwin will label 4 action verbs during a session with minimal cues across 4 consecutive sessions with 80% accuracy to increase expressive language skills, as measured by clinician observation. 3
- Scott will imitate, then use 2-word utterances with fading prompts with 90% accuracy across 3 consecutive sessions to improve expressive language skills. 2
- Given verbal and visual prompts, Ardelle will consistently use multi-word utterances (4+ words) for a variety of pragmatic functions (including labeling, commenting, and requesting) 9 /10 times in a session to improve expressive and pragmatic language skills as measured by data collection and observation across 3 consecutive data collection days. 2
- Ricki will orally label age-appropriate vocabulary words presented in objects and pictures, such as nouns and actions/verbs, and will use these target words accurately in a phrase or sentence with 90% accuracy across 3 therapy sessions, to expand expressive vocabulary skills to an age-appropriate level. 4
- To increase her expressive and receptive vocabulary, Jane will label or identify targeted age-appropriate vocabulary (colors , animals , shapes , etc.) with 80% accuracy given moderate cueing across 3 consecutive sessions within 6 months time. 0
- Mauro will produce a variety of consonant-vowel combinations including CV, VC, CVC, and CVCV words with fading prompts in structured and play activities to improve speech intelligibility with 90% accuracy across 3 sessions. 3
Top 20 (View all)
Labeling Clothing and Accessories
Breann Voytko
Let’s label some clothing and accessories.
Includes activity list2
Halloween and Fall Graphics
Savannah Kerstetter
Slides with individual graphics for fall and Halloween.
Includes activity list5
Fall Vocabulary
Breann Voytko
Let’s talk about vocabulary words associated with Fall.
Includes activity list2
Common Objects 48 Pictures For Analogies, Object Function, Naming, Categories, Wh Questions
Jessica Lenden-Holt
48 pictures of common items: household items, clothing, toys, and more.
Gardening Cariboo Cards
Sara Lowczyk
40 Cariboo cards (two sets, one with words and one without words) related to gardening vocabulary. Can also be used as small flash cards for other activities.
Toy Theme Parent Handout With Vocabulary Cards: How to Play
Sara Lowczyk
A quick note to preschool parents on how to play with their children with 16 printable vocabulary cards.
Vocabulary Picture Cards
Sara Lowczyk
Vocabulary picture cards to be sorted into categories, made into matching games, etc.
Weather Words Interactive Vocabulary Book
Mickayla Hulliberger M.S. CF-SLP
This speech and language therapy pack includes everything that you need to plan and implement fun and engaging therapy for Weather themes that targets all of your early communication goals while ha...
St. Patrick’s Day Vocabulary
Breann Voytko
Let’s talk about vocabulary words associated with St. Patrick’s Day.
Spring Cariboo Vocabulary Cards
Sara Lowczyk
40 Cariboo cards (two sets, one with words and one without words) related to spring vocabulary. Can also be used as small flash cards for other activities.
Camping Themed Language Activities
Jessica Lenden-Holt
21 page of camping photos and activities. Create a Camping Scene, Blank Map, Large Backpack and camping items, Fish of different sizes/fishing pole, question and command cards. Use as a reinforcer ...
Includes activity list5
Christmas Vocabulary/Parent Handout
Sara Lowczyk
This is a handout for parents during a Christmas theme month (mostly pre-k-K aged). It includes book and app suggestions as well as vocabulary word print outs.
School Lunch Choice Pictures
Jessica Lenden-Holt
School Lunch Choice Pictures (main dish) for choice making/picture exchange/labeling/vocabulary building.
Labeling Shapes, Colors, and Numbers
Breann Voytko
Let’s label some shapes, colors, and numbers
Includes activity list2