Speech Therapy -> Expressive Language -> Making Choices
Making Choices
Selecting an option when provided two or more options are provided.
Activity List(s)
Visual Schedule Cards
Token Reward System Flower Emoji
Jessica Lenden-Holt
6 colorful flower emoji token reward system "I am working for" visual 4 sample desired items
Car Token Reward System
Jessica Lenden-Holt
6 car token reward system. "I am working for" visual . 4 sample photos of reward/motivators.
School Lunch Choice Pictures
Jessica Lenden-Holt
School Lunch Choice Pictures (main dish) for choice making/picture exchange/labeling/vocabulary building.
I Want (sentence Strip) With Example Photos For Requesting, Low-Tech AAC
Jessica Lenden-Holt
"I want" sentence strip with four example photos.
Monster and Halloween Speech and Language Activities With Sentence Strips (AAC)
Jessica Lenden-Holt
8 pages Includes 1 • page of a variety of cute monsters • haunted house image • "I like" and "I don't like" sentence strips • "I am working for" visuals with token reinforcement board • 4 candy ima...
Includes activity list5
Requesting Sentence Strips With Coloring Vocabulary
Sara Lowczyk
12 sentence strips with color vocabulary cards.
Cupcake Shoppe Speech/Language/Reinforcer Activities
Jessica Lenden-Holt
19 pages of cupcake activities. Including: 2 bakery create a scene backgrounds, 2 page of create a scene items/bakers, 4 create your own cupcake black/white images, 2 pages of large cupcakes, 2 pag...
Clothing Items
Jessica Lenden-Holt
A variety of clothing items for different seasons and weather, large suitcase, design your own clothing, question/command cards.
Includes activity list4